Provincial auditor also wants out from canvassers’ board

AFTER provincial prosecutor Pepita Jane Petralba inhibited herself last week from being the vice-chairman of the provincial board of canvassers for the May 14 elections, her successor, the provincial state auditor, followed suit yesterday.

Provincial state auditor Josette Rodriguez yesterday asked Comelec provincial election supervisor Lionel Marco Castillano that she could not perform the functions of vice-chairman of the provincial board of canvassers as Petralba’s replacement.

Rodriguez wrote Castillano that she would also inhibit herself from the position because of pressing deadlines for audit reports for Cebu province and the towns of Carcar, Argao, Dalaguete, Alcoy, Boljo-on, and Oslob.

She must submit these reports by May 31, Rodriguez told Castillano. "The undersigned is not a lawyer, hence cannot be of assistance in questions pertaining to election matters," she said.

In the case of Petralba, she asked Comelec Commissioner Resurreccion Borra that she would inhibit herself from the position because some of the candidates were her clients in the 2004 elections.

Petralba mentioned Celestino "Junnie" Martinez Jr. and Gregorio Sanchez Jr., who ran for governor and vice governor, respectively, at the time, and Reps. Antonio Yapha and Clavel Asas-Martinez, who are now candidates for governor and vice governor, respectively.

Castillano, who is the chairman of the provincial board of canvassers, said that Petralba’s move to inhibit herself as his vice chairman has "very meritorious" grounds.

Still it is the Comelec central office that has the power to approve the petitions of inhibition by Petralba and Rodriguez, said Castillano.

Should these are approved, Castillano said that it will be the provincial register of deeds who will be the vice chairman of the board of canvassers. —Garry B. Lao/RAE

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