Pahina Central wants rowdy med reps penalized

Agents or canvassers of at least three pharmacies in barangay Pahina Central have been jostling each other, at times violently, right at the entrance of the emergency room of the Cebu City Medical Center just to get orders of medicines from patients.

In trying to outdo each other, these canvassers have caused trouble in the barangay, where the hospital is located, prompting the barangay council to approve Resolution No. 25 requesting the City Council to have an ordinance to punish these rowdy canvassers.

Pahina Central barangay captain Sisinio Andales said these canvassers violated the peace and order situation in the barangay so they should be penalized.

"Canvassers had violated the peace and order and tranquility of Pahina Central because of their quota, greed and jealousy in trying to outmaneuver each other just to get as many patients," stated the barangay resolution, which was approved last August 1.

Andales said these canvassers only destroy the reputation of competing pharmacies in the barangay, and there was a time when he summoned for mediation two canvassers that were fighting.

What came out was an agreement for cease and desist in canvassing but still "the practice continued," said the barangay leader. - Garry B. Lao

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