Talisay exec slams NSO for ineptitude

Talisay City Civil Registrar Gemma Alvizo-Ladion is accusing the National Statistics Office 7 of inefficiency for failing to deliver the goods on time.

Ladion had complained to NSO 7 director Lilia Tandoc about the time it takes NSO to process papers, which on several occasions had failed to release requested documents on the dot.

Last July 4, NSO assured Ladion's office that processing time would be cut down to three working days from receipt of transmittal instead of the usual seven working days.

But Ladion said that on one occasion the papers that were promised to be released after six working days were still "untouched when our staff came to claim the documents."

A similar case happened last July 10, she said.

Because of the delays the public has accused Ladion's office of incompetence and Ladion is asking NSO for advice as regards to how her office could help in preventing delays from recurring. - Liv G. Campo

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