Police uproot marijuana in remote Balamban barangay

Around 2,500 stalks of fully-grown marijuana plants were uprooted by policemen in sitio Gapo, barangay Matun-og, Balamban town, last Friday.

Elements of the Balamban police led by C/Insp. Anthony Bagarinao assisted by the barangay tanods conducted the raid last Friday morning after they received reports of a marijuana plantation there.

The policemen and barangay tanods started the uprooting at around 10:00 a.m. and finished at noon.

No arrests were made as nobody was around when the police raided the plantation, although the authorities said they already know who the financier of the plantation is.

PO1 Arman Enriquez described the place as a very secluded area. Sitio Gapo is about 16 kilometers from the town proper, only half of the way is paved and the rest of the way is a narrow path. - Gregg M. Rubio

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