For dishonesty: 2 Talisay workers face raps

Talisay City legal officer Aurora Econg is set to file criminal and administrative complaints before the Ombudsman against two City Hall employees who were accused of tampering their daily time records to gain overtime pay.

Econg told The Freeman yesterday that it is up to the mayor whether or not to put Nona Narca and Edena Abalo, both of the City Budget Office, under preventive suspension once the investigation against them pushes through.

The two will be charged with dishonesty after the City Council committee on good government, public ethics and accountability discovered that the complaint against them has "legal implication."

Econg said there was probable cause for the filing of the complaints against the two employees, who were alleged to have altered their daily time records so they could claim overtime pays.

The anomaly was reportedly discovered by the Talisay City Employees' Union, which then questioned their excessive and "questionable" overtime pay in 2004.

In his report last month, Councilor Serrie Restauro, head of the fact-finding committee, found out that "some entries in the punch card were not rightly reflected in the DTR."

After discovering the "high magnitude of discrepancy" in the two employees' daily time records, the committee then referred its findings to Econg. - Liv G. Campo

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