Rape Case vs. Priest: Defense wants hearing moved

The lawyer of the Danao City parish priest accused of rape has requested the city prosecutor's office to postpone the scheduled clarificatory hearing set on April 7 to April 10.

Gloria Dalawampu who represents Fr. Joey Belciña made their request to Danao City prosecutor Dionesio Kiamco who earlier set the clarificatory hearing on April 7.

An 18-year-old girl lodged a complaint against Belciña for allegedly raping her three times since last year.

The case against Belciña was filed last February 10 by the girl with the assistance of the members of the Legal Alternatives for Women, Incorporated, a center that provides assistance to women and children victims of sexual abuse.

In her complaint, the victim said Belciña first raped her on July 22, 2005, when she was still 17 years old. The second incident allegedly happened on December 25, 2006, during the Christmas party of the parish.

The last rape incident reportedly happened last January 28.

Belciña has denied the accusations filed against him saying these are fabricated.

Some parishioners of barangay Maslog announced their support to Belciña despite the charges filed against him, but others said they will wait for the result of the investigation of the case and the separate investigation ordered by Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Vidal.

The girl, who is now under custody of a non-governmental organization recently challenged Belciña to a polygraph test to determine who is telling the truth.

Belciña applied for a leave of absence as parish priest of barangay Maslog following the incident. - Jose P. Sollano

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