Vidal to announce Pope's decision today

Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Vidal will formally announce today the contents of a letter from the Papal Nuncio containing the response of Pope Benedict XVI on the request of the prelate to retire.

Vidal will officiate a mass this 5 pm at the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral in celebration of his golden jubilee as a priest.

A source, who had dinner with the Cardinal and some church officials at the Archbishop's Palace last night, said that the Holy Father has asked Cardinal Vidal to hold on to his position and continue to his work, which is what he surmised from the tone of the letter.

Msgr. Achilles Dakay, spokesman of the Archdiocese, would not however confirm nor deny this, but instead said that the Cardinal will be the one to make the formal announcement about the contents of the letter during this afternoon's mass.

The letter came from Archbishop Antonio Franco, the Papal Nuncio of the Philippines.

Vidal had already asked the Holy Father to allow him to retire, but despite that, he has also said that he would be willing to continue serving as Archbishop of Cebu if asked to stay. Msgr. Dakay confirmed last night that the Pope has already received Vidal's retirement papers, but said that the prelate would be the one to personally announce the response of the Holy Father today.

Vidal, who celebrated his 75th birthday last month, said his tenure as Cebu Archbishop now depends on the Pope.

The Code of Canon Law states that Catholic bishops are required to tender their resignation on their 75th birth anniversary. Vidal will remain the bishop of the ecclesiastical area until the Pope accepts his resignation.

Vidal was ordained priest on March 17, 1956 and 15 years later, he was elected bishop.

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