Four men arrested for illegal gambling

Consolacion policemen arrested four men for illegal gambling and confiscated 48 small sachets and three medium packs of shabu in barangay Danlag, Consolacion town, the other night.

The arrested persons were identified as Paz Villanueva, 47; Reggie Gumadlas, 28; Arnel Guc-ong, 23 and Eric Pepito, 22, all residents of the said place.

Consolacion policemen led by SPO3 Raymundo Enriquez and tanod Roberto Niez were patrolling when they came upon the four playing "tong-its" in a store owned by Villanueva.

Chief investigator SPO4 Felix Lapera said they found the sachets of shabu on Gumadlas while the two medium packs were taken from Villanueva.

He said that the four will have to pay a fine of P600 each for illegal gambling while Gumadlas and Villanueva will also be charged for drugs. - Norvie S. Misa

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