Dad wants airsoft guns off ban on gun replicas

Cebu City councilor Edgardo Labella is pushing for the passage of a proposed amendatory ordinance that seeks to exempt airsoft guns from among the toy guns and gun replicas prohibited under City Ordinance 1743.

In his proposed amendatory ordinance, Labella is seeking to amend section of C.O. 1743 such that airsoft guns owned by a member of Security Exchange Commission (SEC)-registered airsoft sport organization shall be exempted from Section 1 of the said ordinance.

Under the existing ordinance, it shall be unlawful for anyone to sell, distribute, give, keep or possess toy guns that resemble, by its appearance, size and color, the real guns.

Although under Labella's proposed amendatory ordinance the members of SEC-registered airsoft sport organization shall be exempted, they are however subject to certain conditions.

That is, they must be at least 18 years old; never display or flaunt their weapon in public or use it to intimidate or harm other persons or property, including the use of the same to consummate any criminal act under any circumstance; must not wear battle dress uniform before reaching the game site; and must buy airsoft guns only from licensed dealers with government permit to import and sell the same.

The proposed ordinance further defines airsoft sport as that in which players participated in the simulation of military or law enforcement combat with replica military firearms and military-style tactics.

Airsoft guns, on the other hand, are defined as a replica to a firearm scaled at 1:1. It may be of metal or plastic, and usually fires a 6mm or 8mm spherical projectiles weighing 110-600 milligrams and that propulsion for the projectile is by manually compressed springs, electric motors, or compressed gas, including propane or green gas, which is propane with added fragrance, air, and carbon dioxide.

In seeking for an amendment of the existing city ordinance, Labella cited the unprecedented breakthroughs in science and technology, specifically the innovation of airsoft guns.

He said the airsoft sport has now gained a foothold among enthusiasts in the country, many in Cebu City, and that in fact, there is already organization of airsoft sport enthusiasts here in the city, the Airsoft Games Club.

Nevertheless, the said organization has already crafted its house rules covering the qualifications and conduct of its members as well as the proper use and care of airsoft guns and the methodology of the airsoft sport, according to Labella.

"The proper development of airsoft sport in Cebu City could undeniably inject a huge boon to the city's thrust to drum up investment capital and tourism business considering that the same is a highly popular sport in many Asian countries..." he further said.

Labella's proposed amendatory ordinance is expected to be taken up in this Wednesday's regular session of the city council. - Cristina C. Birondo

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