Man gets 8 yrs in jail for school library rob

Regional Trial Court judge Gabriel T. Ingles sentenced a man to eight years imprisonment after finding the latter guilty of robbing the library of a school in Naga town of items worth P60,000, three years ago.

Ingles said Alfredo Alguno committed robbery because he used force upon things from the library of the National High School of Naga in the afternoon of May 29, 2002.

A key witness, Venus Diana, testified and positively identified Alguno as the one who climbed the school rooftop where he gained entry to the library by detaching some jalousie blades.

The following morning, the school librarian reported that the library was ransacked and lost its central processing unit, a keyboard, an automatic voltage regulator, and four Brittanica compact discs, estimated to be at least P60,000 in total worth.

After Alguno was identified and arrested, he denied the charge saying that he was driving a motorcycle-for-hire in Consolacion town from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. on the day of the robbery.

Ingles, in his decision dated October 18, said that "alibi is a strong evidence against circumstantial evidence" but then Alguno's alibi was weak as it was not even corroborated by any other.

Alguno was earlier cleared at RTC-branch 5 of a separate robbery case but Ingles said such acquittal could not be used as defense in his case at RTC-branch 58.

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