Women's group joins call to oust Arroyo

Abanse! Pinay, a national movement of women and women's organizations, joined the call for President Gloria Arroyo to step down from office with a vow to support moves that will hasten her departure.

"Abanse! Pinay believes that if Arroyo truly has the public welfare in mind, she should step down immediately and pave the way for a peaceful and legal transition," their unified statement read.

"We will never accept nor tolerate electoral fraud in any manner, which is why we still believe it is important to pursue the search for truth behind allegations of cheating in the last elections," the statement further read.

Abanse! Pinay chairwoman Rina David said that the group believes in the integrity of the electoral system and the need to protect and respect the sanctity of the ballot.

David added that her group believes that the search for truth behind the conspiracy in the last elections must continue.

"President Arroyo has shown that she is willing to sacrifice public good, to the extent of threatening and putting our basic rights at risk, if only to remain in office," she said.

David however made it clear that even if their group supports calls for Arroyo to step down, they will reject any form of military-led action.

"We will support moves to hasten her departure from office, as long as these are peaceful and enjoy public support," she clarified.

Abanse! Pinay commits to pursue electoral reform as a basic advocacy and plan of action, believing in clean and honest elections as the bedrock of democracy. - Jasmin R. Uy

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