Akrho fratman arrested

Police arrested last Sunday night a reported accomplice of most wanted fratman Aristotle Aves in connection to a homicide case both Alpha Kappa Rho and Tau Gamma were implicated in last January 2004.

A team led by Vice Control Section Chief George Ylanan armed with a warrant issued by judge Simeon Dumdum Jr. nabbed Bernabe Boro along C. Padilla Street past 10 p.m. last Sunday.

Boro, 22, a member of Akrho, was implicated in the death of Eduardo Paradero in barangay Duljo-Fatima last January 2004 wherein members from both fraternities were charged. These were Akrho men Santos dela Cruz, Joven Camajalan, Boro and Aves as well as Tau Gamma men John Mark "Waway" Basalahe and Glen Marson.

Paradero was on a passenger jeep on his way home when both groups shot at each other and a stray bullet hit him.

But Boro yesterday claimed that he had nothing to do with the incident and that Aves and other frat brothers visited him at the bakeshop where he worked when Basalahe fired at him.

Boro also denied he was the accomplice of Aves in all those crimes he is implicated in saying he only knew Aves because they belong to the same fraternity.

But Ylanan insisted that Aves hides at Boro's house and that both were together in most incidents where Aves was identified as perpetrator.

Boro said the last time he saw Aves was at a motorcade during their anniversary last August 8 and that from what he knew, Aves is hiding in Tudela, Camotes.

Boro's arrest came after a concerned citizen called up the VCS office that he was drinking with other fraternity brothers along C. Padilla last Sunday night.

Meanwhile, Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Branch chief Paul Labra said yesterday that Aves had been recommended as the 9th most wanted person in the region.

The inclusion of Aves in the regional wanted list was discussed last September 30 at Camp Sergio Osmeña during the Regional Police Intelligence Conference.

Aves is one of the top three most wanted men in Cebu City due to a string of murders and homicides he allegedly committed here in the last two years.

Other personalities recommended for inclusion in the regional wanted list are from Cebu Province; Ardiano Villasencio for rape, kidnapping and homicide and Raul Pianar for two counts of rape.

From Mandaue City Police Office recommended were Genesis Avelino, Ronaldo Antigua and Alfredo Gereno; from Bohol is Ricardo Mascarinas for murder, Eugenio Ricabuto and Bonquingquito Soledad of Negros Oriental, all murder suspects.

The most wanted men in the region are Raul Villar alias Ka Drilon from Negros Oriental for robbery with homicide who has an P800,000 bounty, Demetrio "Jimmy" Lindayao also from Negros Oriental for rape with a P300,000 bounty, Rowel Mojares Caiso from Negros Oriental also for rape with a P300,000 bounty.

Others included in the list are Rodrigo Labitad from Cebu province for four counts of murder with attempted homicide with a P300,000 bounty, Pablo Ohayas for murder with attempted homicide with a P100,000 bounty.

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