Man stabbed dead by younger brother

A 46-year-old man was stabbed by his younger brother in the latter's house in barangay Lamacan, Sibonga town, last Thursday evening, and died minutes later at the hospital.

The victim was identified as Ireneo Ordiñesa, a resident of the place. His assailant, his younger brother Primitivo, 45, surrendered to responding policemen after the incident.

Sibonga police chief Tito Satera said police investigation showed that Ireneo who was drunk at the time, went to Primitivo's house and challenged his brother to a fistfight.

Primitivo accepted the challenge and the fight began.

In the course of their fight, Primitivo ran into the kitchen and returned with a knife and stabbed Ireneo once in the chest with it.

Primitivo later told the police that it was not the first time Ireneo came to his house for a fight. Every time Ireneo gets drunk, he would come rushing to Primitivo's house and beat up the latter.

He said he could not stand his abuse anymore and so he was forced to stab his elder brother, Primitivo said. - Flor Z. Perolina

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