Access to reproductive health, services sought

Advocates of reproductive health in Cebu have called on local government officials to integrate the program's concerns into the Millennium Development Goals as the universal access to RH and services, including family planning, is "not explicitly included in the goals and targets of most of the MDGs."

A forum dubbed as "Integrating Reproductive Health in the Millennium Development Goals" was recently held in Cebu with the aim to make local government and other concerned agencies understand the current situation in terms of delivery and access to reproductive health and services.

The forum was sponsored by The Philippine Legislators Committee on Population and Development and the office of Cebu 6th district Rep. Nerissa Soon-Ruiz, Sociology and Anthropology Research Group of the University of San Carlos, Commission on Population and the Family Planning Organization of the Philippines Cebu chapter.

In his presentation, PLCPD executive director Ramon San Pascual said there is an urgent need for a unified agenda among various stakeholders in the province on how to work together to achieve the MDGs.

He challenged the RH advocates and service providers in the province to help in increasing the awareness of local leaders on their crucial role in crafting policies and programs to meet the goal.

September 2005 marks the five-year review of the MDGs that define a unifying framework and aim to focus the efforts of the world community in eradicating poverty and improving quality of life.

The MDGs evolved from the Millennium Declaration adopted by leaders of 189 nations in September 2000. These establish clear-cut indicators for measuring the progress of nations in addressing issues of poverty, human development, women's rights and good governance.

Eight priority goals and targets were identified such as to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality and empower women, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, combat HIV/AIDS and other diseases, ensure environmental sustainability and develop a global partnership for development.

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