Vendors rap barangay head

Ombudsman-Visayas director Virginia Palanca-Santiago has ordered the barangay captain of San Roque to answer the complaint of harassment filed by sidewalk vendors at the public plaza beside Fort San Pedro. The vendors, led by Hernanita Dayon-a retired policeman, have accused barangay captain Rogelio Ruizo of committing administrative and criminal offenses when he prevented them from operating video karaoke machines in their stalls.

Ruizo, however, welcomed the filing of the complaint saying he is confident that "truth will prevail" that he did not harass them, as they claimed.

Ruizo said he only asked the vendors to secure business permits for their business, particularly on operating video karaoke machines, as required by law.

He said they failed to comply with the law requiring video karaoke operators to obtain barangay clearances and business permits, and to provide sound reduction devices on their karaoke machines. The city ordinance also prohibits the operation of video karaoke machines within residential zones in the city, and within 100 meters away from schools, hospitals, health clinic, or church.

Ruizo said he might recommend for the demolition of shanties built by these sidewalk vendors, specifically along Legaspi Extension. The vendors have been selling liquor also, in violation of another ordinance.

The Supreme Court had ruled that a public plaza is beyond the commerce of man but the Philippine Tourism Authority has been collecting rentals from the vendors for occupying part of the plaza at Fort San Pedro.

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