Pajantoy case: Prosecution presents first "eyewitness"

The first prosecution witness yesterday pointed to SPO4 Juanito Pajantoy as the one who shot suspected thief Omar Patiño and fellow Cebu City policeman SPO3 Manuel Sarcol on July 2003.

The prosecution presented to the court William Godinez, as the "eyewitness" to the July 2003 shooting. Godinez is detained at the Bagong Buhay Rehabilitation Center for rape charges.

Yesterday was the continuation of the hearing of Pajantoy's motion to post bail.

During the direct examination conducted by Ombudsman- Military lawyer Macaundas Hadjinasul, Godinez testified that he was just a few meters away when the shooting incident happened giving him a vantage view when Pajantoy allegedly fired two shots hitting Sarcol, and then Patiño.

Godinez told the court that being a barangay tanod at that time, the chairman of the barangay assigned him near a surplus store in Gen. Maxilom extension where the incident took place.

The witness further told the court that before the shooting incident, there was a mobile patrol chasing a taxicab. When the traffic light signaled red, the two vehicles stopped in that area where he was standing. Godinez said that when the taxi stopped, Patiño alighted from the vehicle. Immediately, someone in black shirt came out from the mobile patrol. The alarmed Patiño ran, but was chased.

Godinez pointed at Pajantoy as the man in black shirt who chased Patiño.

He said a man in police uniform disembarked from a multicab whom the witness identified to be Sarcol.

Godinez said that Sarcol also pursued the suspected thief. However, the chase did not go far as when Patiño was near a motel, two gunshots were heard.

The eyewitness told the court that it was Sarcol who fell first. Then, he said, he saw Patiño raising his two hands and slightly bending his knees. Seconds later, another shot rang out hitting Patiño.

The witness testified he saw Pajantoy shoot both Patiño and Sarcol. He said that during the chase, Pajantoy was already carrying his firearm while Sarcol only retrieved his from the holster "after he was shot."

When the witness was cross-examined, it was discovered that he was already facing charges when he executed the affidavit on July 23 last year. In trying to discredit the witness, the defense panel questioned his credibility as eyewitness focusing on his "real" educational attainment.

Godinez wrote in his sworn statement that he had high school education, when he never graduated grade school. He admitted to the court that he only finished grade five.

The hearing of the motion for Pajantoy to post bail is scheduled today in which the prosecution is set to present another witness.

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