
Freeman Cebu Lifestyle

Boy Scout Lessons for Everyone

Dezsa C. Rubio - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines - Growing up, kids often look up to teachers and mentors as their real-life superheroes. Each idolized grownup leaves his or her mark in every child,and in the world, through stories repeatedly told and evendepicted in art. and even scouting lessons.

For 12 boyscouts of the former Sacred Heart School for Boys – Cebu. presentlyAteneo De Cebu – Sacred Heart School,  their scoutmaster is their superhero. Hehas shaped them into becoming the successful gentlemen they are now. And as a tribute to their scoutmaster, the ‘boys’ compiled their testimonies of the valuable life lessons they learned from their mentor in a book titled “12 Lies Truths My Scoutmaster Told Me.”

The pocketbookis about Sacred Heart School’s most remarkable scoutmaster, Apolinario O.Leyson Sr., who positively altered countless lives through the Boy Scout movement. It contains stories of how Leyson taught the Boy Scout values as universal truths represented through the 12 universal scout laws.

Sir Pol, as his scouts fondly call him, has not always been their favorite. As the main prefect of discipline, he was feared among the students as he strictly enforced the schools’ rules and regulations. However, the young boy scouts then were introduced to a different Sir Pol when they joined him in the scouting movement.

And the boys are grateful to have experienced the other side of Sir Pol, whose tough exterior melted away before their very eyes. The scoutmaster transformed into a guiding light to guide them on the life path. He became their inspiration to strive to be the best version of themselves and become the leaders that they are now. The precious life lessons that they learned from him the 12 scouts hope to share with others as well.

“12 Lies Truths My Scoutmaster Told Me” will enlighten readers about the spirit of scouting. It seeks to encourage the young generation to explore scouting, to understand it is more than just an after-school activity. Scoutingprepares young boysfor whatever the world may throw at them.

Congressman Scott Davies S. Lanete M.D.,one of the book’s authors, says that Mr. Leyson’s most significant legacy in him that he can share to the world is to read a book. And what better book to read than testimonies of inspiration, adventures and lessons that even non-scouts will want to learn about. Any reader, no matter the age, will find the book a delight to have.

Published under Think Publishing Hub Inc., “12 Lies Truths My Scoutmaster Told Me” is soon available at bookstores nationwide. Currently, the book is available at the Office of the Alumni Community of Ateneo De Cebu. (FREEMAN)

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