
Freeman Cebu Lifestyle

"Puto Balanghoy"

Saison Dampios, Jr. - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines - Perhaps the most common way of enjoying cassava, aside from just boiling the whole pieces, is making it into "puto," or cooking it by steaming. In fact, many people know only of "balanghoy linung-ag" (boiled cassava) and "puto balanghoy" (steamed grated cassava) as the only ways to consume cassava, except, of course, making cassava into hog feed. 

Aside from carbohydrates, cassava is also rich in fiber. It is very filling in the stomach such that the right amount of either "balanghoy linung-ag" or "puto balanghoy," paired only with either brown sugar or salted fish, would already make a full meal. The best thing of all, given its nutritional value and simplicity of preparation, cassava is very affordable; people in the province may even ask free from a neighbor for a few pieces - if they themselves don't have the plant in their backyards.

Cooking whole cassava by boiling is self-explanatory. Cooking grated cassava by steaming is simple, too, as the following recipe would prove:



5 pcs Cassava, grated and pressed to drain the juice

1 pc Coconut, young and grated

Brown Sugar (optional)


1. Loosen grated, pressed cassava by running is through your fingers and allow to air-dry for 30 minutes to 1 hour. 

2. Mix with grated coconut.

3. Fill earthen steamer, called "putohan," with two to three cups of water and allow to boil.

4. Place the cassava-coconut mix in the "putohan." Fill up to the brim, then cover with banana leaf before putting on the earthen lid.

5. Allow 20 to 30 minutes to pass, then check using a barbecue stick. Dip the stick into the cassava in the "putuhan" - if no white particles stick to stick, that means the "puto" is about cooked. Allow one to two minutes more.

6. Remove the ball of cooked "puto" from the steamer by using two ladles; it will come out easily.

7. Put the remaining mix into the "putohan" and repeat the cooking process.

8. As soon as the whole mix is cooked, make the "puto" into smaller moulds to fit a small plate.

9. If desired, sprinkle little brown sugar over each mould.

10. Serve.

NOTE: If metal steamer is used, the cassava-coconut mix may be put in individual moulds and then arranged in the steamer. The same cooking process shall be observed. (FREEMAN)

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