
Freeman Cebu Lifestyle

The T-shirt as fashion wear

Saison Dampios, Jr. - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines - It is so commonplace these days that rarely does it warrants writing about. But, okay, this writing is about the ubiquitous T-shirt.  It is safe to say that everybody at least has one.

Perhaps why the t-shirt is so popular is because of the ease of wearing it. Can the comfort aspect be not counted? Of course, it is such a major appeal. In fact, most of those that love to wear T-shirts are lured by the comfort it gives.

And the thing with T-shirts is that it becomes nicer with a worn-in, slightly faded look. True, T-shirt is mostly associated with running casual errands, the little off-the-way events, on no-uniform days at school or work, trips to the mall etc. Yet, actually, a T-shirt can make its way even to semi-formal and formal events, with little embellishments.  

In short, the T-shirt is not only for those quite ordinary, lazy days. Worn the right way, it can look really stylish. How? The website www.college fashion.net shares a few ways to rock a favorite T-shirt and look unique and cute:

Add a cute jacket.

One of the most basic ways to spruce up a t-shirt is by pairing it with a cute structured jacket or a cardigan, as opposed to a frumpy hoodie. Small details, like adding a ring, fishtail braiding the hair instead of throwing it into a sloppy ponytail, and wearing gladiator sandals instead of flip flops can make all the difference in how one looks and feels. The best part is, these little extras take just seconds to add - making one look great, but still make it to class on time.

Try it with a skirt.

Another easy way to wear a T-shirt and still look cute is to tuck it into a skirt. A slightly high-waist skirt, for example, can have a T-shirt as top and it's dressy enough to wear on a date or to look put-together in class, but it isn't so fancy to compromise the comfort aspect. When paired with wedges - stilettos can look strange with something as casual as a graphic tee - and the look can be finished with a quirky fedora and statement ring.

Go for an androgynous look.

The relaxed look and feel of a favorite tee will look great with a pair of boyfriend jeans and a few deliberately placed menswear accessories. It's nice to experiment with beanies, classic leather belts, different pairs of casual shoes, and menswear timepieces. The look is casual and comfy, but not sloppy. It's good to finish with a handy messenger bag.

Try it with a vest.

A denim vest is a fun, unexpected way to add a rock and roll feel to an otherwise basic jeans-and-tee look. This look is especially chic with a concert T-shirt, or printed pants! The outfit may be finished off with a bold pair of shoes, eye-catching earrings, and a tough-looking bracelet.

Pair it with a maxi skirt.

This outfit has a bit of a Carrie Bradshaw feel to it: It's bold for sure, but with the right amount of confidence, it's easy to pull off! One way to make good use out of a maxi skirt is to pair it with a T-shirt. But the tee must not be too busy, and knot right where the skirt begins for an ultra-chic look. The outfit may be finished with a headscarf, classy ring, and ballet flats. (FREEMAN)


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