
Freeman Cebu Lifestyle

"Humba de Ronda"

Sarah Nengasca - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines - "Humba" is also a favorite at regular dinners at home. And many of the household cooks have their own recipe of the dish. But everyone would agree that it takes a certain combination of ingredients and cooking technique to come up with "humba" that's truly special. Perhaps, it's the reason why "Humba de Ronda" stands out.

The reason behind the wide popularity of the "humba" is practicality. The dish uses a good amount of vinegar, which is a known preservative, and so the dish could stand longer even without refrigeration, for several days. And - the longer it's kept, the better the "humba" gets.

"Humba de Ronda," like its counterpart everywhere else, is basically braised pork belly. The name "humba," some say, is a contraction of the Cebuano phrases "humot nga baboy" (aromatic pork) or "humok nga baboy" (tender pork). Others also say that the dish is a tweak of the Chinese dish "pata tim," which the locals have enhanced over time - like the delectably distinct "Humba de Ronda."

It's no wonder that Ronda's famous delicacy was among the winners in last year's "Sangka sa Kaha," a friendly cooking competition organized by Cebu Parklane International Hotel, with the aim of preserving and promoting the unique local cuisine. The hotel is kind enough to share the winning "Humba de Ronda" recipe, for those who want to try it at home.


1.5 kilos pork belly, cut into desired slices

.5 liter Sprite or 7-Up soda drinks

1 large onion, diced

5 cloves garlic, minced

2 tablespoons salted black beans

2 tablespoons soy sauce

3 tablespoons vinegar

3 tablespoons brown sugar

2 pieces bay leaves

1 teaspoon whole pepper corn


1. Heat the cooking pot then put in the pork belly and let it cook by itself until brown.

2. Add the onions and garlic and cook until onions are soft.

3. Put in the soy sauce, pepperoni, and bay leaves.

4. Pour in the soda drink and let boil. Simmer until the pork is tender (add water as needed).

5. Add the vinegar and wait for the mixture to re-boil. Simmer for 3 minutes.

6. Spoon in the salted black beans and brown sugar then simmer for 5 minutes.

7. Add the dried banana blossoms and simmer for 5 to 8 minutes more.

8. Transfer to a serving plate and serve.


City residents who want to taste the real "Humba de Ronda" before attempting to cook it at home don't have to make the long trip to the town. The dish is served at Kan-anan Restaurant of Cebu Parklane International Hotel. For inquiries or prior arrangements, the phone number is (032) 234 7000; the website is at www.parklanehotel.com.ph. (FREEMAN)

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