Zoey and Jasper
This is a story about a rescued dog named Zoey and a little boy named Jasper. Zoey is a seven-year old rescued dog originally from Taiwan. The dog loves hiking, playing fetch, eating crumbs off the floor, and spending time with Jasper. Jasper, on the other hand, is a 10-month old Chinese-Korean baby from Los Angeles who loves going for walks, eating cereal, oatmeal, pancakes, meatballs and yoghurt. He loves Zoey dearly.
The Zoey rescue story is very touching: When Zoey and her siblings were born, the whole puppy litter was almost washed into a gutter. A student scooped up the puppies and took them home. After a month of caring for the litter, the student pleaded for help on her website, and a volunteer from the Animal Rescue Team responded.
The student, who immediately fell in love with the weakest and sickliest of the puppies, Zoey, would have wanted to keep the puppy had she not have to move to China on a new job. A Korean lady in Los Angeles adopted Zoey and took good care of the puppy.
Now in good hands, Zoey has since been healthy and happy. "It's hard to believe that this was the same puppy the student had rescued seven years ago," shares Grace Chon, a commercial photographer who specializes in animals, lifestyle images and celebrities with their pets. Grace is also the mother of baby boy Jasper and, well, Zoey's mom too. She lives in LA with her husband, their son Jasper, and two adopted dogs, Zoey and Maeby .
Grace's home is a picture of a lot of fun with Jasper and Zoey. An example of what kindness to animals can do - not only for the animals themselves but for the people who are being kind to them as well.
My thanks to Grace for being kind enough to share with me her photos for this column. Grace's website is: www.gracechon.com; Instagram: @thegracechon; Facebook: Shine Pet Photos; Tumblr: http://zoeyandjasper.tumblr.com. Her e-mail address is: grace@gracechon.com.
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