Racine, Rosalie & ISCAHM Bigwigs

Racine Ynclino Senining, daughter of Fides Ynclino and Dodong Senining, was one of the few hundred students who gathered on June afternoon at the historic Convocation Hall of the University of Toronto, St. George campus, in downtown Toronto which incidentally marked the 105th anniversary this year.

The event marked the Spring Convocation 2012 for the Ceremony of Admission to Degrees and the graduates were presented to The Honourable David R. Peterson, Chancellor and Professor Franco Vaccarino, Vice-President of University of Toronto and Principal, University of Toronto, Scarborough.

Racine not only was accepted as one of the newest alumni of the University of Toronto, Canada's top university in North America, but received her Honours Bachelor of Science degree with Distinction - Magna Cum Laude. The parents beamed with pride as they watched Racine walked up the stage and interestingly recalled that at the same time four years ago, the family migrated to Canada. Upon arrival, Racine applied for Admissions to U of T and a couple of weeks thereafter was accepted to the Health Sciences program. The University of Toronto which dates back to its founding in 1827 is Canada's leading public research university and comprises 31 divisions, colleges and faculties on its main campuses, numerous research centers and has Canada's largest university library system.

Racine's achievement was solidified by her formative elementary years at Royal Oaks International School, her teenage high school days at St. Theresa's College and her two years of Nursing at Velez College. From here on, she will take her Masters in Psychology and prepares herself to enter the Faculty of Medicine. To dear Chinchin, congratulations and best wishes for a beautiful tomorrow. Lolo Fer and I are very proud of you!

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Waterfront Airport Hotel & Casino welcomed another notable expert in Food & Beverage. Yes, we were privileged to meet Ms. Rosalie Samson, the newest addition to the Waterfront team as Food & Beverage Manager. Cute and soft-spoken, Ms. Samson boasts of various experiences both locally and internationally.

Ross, as she is fondly called, joined Planet Hollywood Asia as Account GM in Makati. After which, she was assigned to four different countries abroad. And as part of her training, she was sent to Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas Nevada for Management Skills class. And finally Cebu!

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Much has been said about the International School for Culinary Arts & Hotel Management (ISCAHM) and we have here to say that during the introduction of the people behind ISCAHM to the media, we were quite impressed with everything…meeting Chef Sean McSavaney (ISCAHM Cebu Head Faculty), Mr. Hans Scallenberg (ISCAHM Founder & Director for Hotel Operations), and Chef Norbert Gandler, (ISCAHM Founder & Executive Director for Culinary & Pastry Arts Education) who are all excited to be in Cebu.

The media group were given a tour of the facility which is top class and sterling new, like the yellow kitchen, AVR/Amphitheater, the six working stations and the reception center. Truly impressive and congratulations on the launch!

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