
Freeman Cebu Lifestyle

Liz Uy : Style icon of the popular women's work wear label

- The Philippine Star

CEBU, Philippines - All she ever wanted was to become a fashion editor. Working behind the scenes, either turning a celebrity or model into a style star or conceptualizing what would become the fashion editorial spread of glossies, she never envisioned herself to be the one taking center stage.

Celebrity stylist Liz Uy, the country's own Rachel Zoe, who used to stage mini runway shows at home with her equally fashion-inclined siblings when she was little, is now taking her well-deserved turn in the spotlight via local women's work wear brand Plains & Prints.

Becoming the style icon of the popular retail label cements her reputation as the country's leading fashion influence; and for Liz, the choice of brand was all but natural. "I feel very much honored to be part of this collaboration. Plains & Prints is a label that I've worked with for six years as a stylist. It's a brand that I trust, and most importantly, that I wear," she reveals.

With the said collaboration, fashion-forward Filipinas can expect to enjoy a better glimpse of the stylist's distinct aesthetic and fashion philosophy via her personal Plains & Prints picks from its upcoming collection, as well as tips and advice on dressing for various occasions and situations.

The new venture may very well make Liz the talk of the town again, and not because she's turned another rising star into a fashion icon. This time, it'll be all about her - and her effortless sense of style, as well as her innate flair for throwing together chic, well-edited ensembles that many a fashionista would love to cop for work and play.

"Liz is a 'thinking' woman," Plains & Prints owner and founder Roxanne Ang Farillas points out. "By this, I mean that she is a woman of style and substance, and she understands the value of hard work and determination-very much the characteristics that Plains & Prints champions. She puts thought and effort into everything she does, and she does it very well. As a result, she exudes confidence and glamour that is tempered by approachability, making her someone every working woman can relate to."

She adds, "More importantly perhaps, is her understanding of the versatility of individual pieces and the value of knowing how to put these together to create different looks. This not only extends a woman's wardrobe, but provides her more choices, which ultimately is what the brand offers consumers."

Undeniably a woman who knows what she wants and gets right around to working towards it, it seems that for Liz, exceeding expectations, even her own, is but second nature. She worked her way up from editorial assistant to fashion editor, and the experience is valuable, providing her insights on what fits the magazine's high style pages, but can also be (with a little tweaking and perhaps less theatrics) translated into outfits that consumers can pull off.

Liz Uy also made styling every girl's dream job. "She brought celebrity styling into the limelight, making it the career girls aspire for," Roxanne observes. "Liz didn't take the celebrity route when she was starting out, but it seems like whatever she does, she turns into something big-and this is what made everyone sit up and take notice. She's definitely the woman to watch out for."

Such an impressive feat pays due tribute to the intricacies of styling, something that is commonly glossed over by those who are unaware of what the job entails. "Most people hold the impression that styling is an easy job, just a matter of picking out pieces and putting them together, but they don't realize the amount of thought and work put into that process," Roxanne points out. "Styling is about creating maximum impact by bringing out the beauty of each piece, and it takes a highly creative mind to be able to spot fashion potential at first glance. Liz does this very, very well."

She concludes that all such qualities make Liz the apt personification of the brand. "Liz perfectly embodies the Plains & Prints wearer. She's very discerning in all aspects of her life, career-driven and successful; plus she brings to the plate the very qualities that women have come to admire about her and make her their ultimate inspiration-her fashion expertise and impeccable style sense. By virtue of all these, she is a natural advocate of our trademark aesthetic: versatile, classic and chic staples that take cues from the latest trends."

With her clear affinity for the brand, Liz is quick to agree. "I'm careful with what I affiliate with, especially when it comes to clothes, as it is my considered area of expertise," she explains. "As a stylist, my job isn't just to know what looks good on other people, I also need to reflect what I can do by knowing what looks good on me-and Plains & Prints is definitely the brand I would instantly go for."

She concludes, "I'm really happy that this came at the right time. I'm at a point in my life where I'm surer of myself and mature, and I feel ready to take on new things in my career. I can only be thankful for opportunities like this, so it goes without saying that I want to embrace and enjoy the entire experience. I'm very excited about this new venture with Plains & Prints." (FREEMAN)

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