The Wedding of Joem and Ana

Jose Emmanuel Cabugao exchanged marriage vows with young and beautiful Ana Maria Jacinto at rites officiated by Rev. Fr. Socrates Saldua at the St. Therese Parish Church two weeks ago. Joem is the son of Capt. and Mrs. Jose Cabugao Jr. while Ana Maria is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Jacinto.

Standing as principal sponsors were: Richard Yap and Zita Yap; Herbert Uy and Roxanne Uy; Gerardo Conejero and Nimfa Escario; Capt. Ernesto Cabugao and Dr. Fe Cabugao; Rey Pil and Maricar Pil; Capt. Sonny Patilano and Pilar Patilano; Ruben Shan and Cora Shan.

The secondary sponsors and members of the entourage were: Jake Anthony de Mira, best man; Monica Christine Conejero - maid of honor. Groomsmen - Amel Bernard Buenaflor, Job Shan, Jose Paolo Cabugao, Philip John Sevilla. Bridesmaids: Princess Jonica Cabugao, Queen Rizelle Yap, Princell April Yap, Princess Postrero. Paul Alvin Baclasn, and Jeniffer Yee - candle; Neil Carlo Penegunda - veil; Joson Lim and Marnie Lim - cord. Flower girls - Adriana Francesca Lim and Giuliana Teresa Lim.

After the church ceremony, dinner reception followed at the Grand Convention Center. The young couple left for their honeymoon abroad and will make their home in Cebu.

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