It's soy much better

CEBU, Philippines - Not all soya beans are created equal!

Soya quality depends on the type of seed, the condition of the soil, and the environment where this particular legume is being cultivated.

Soy has evolved over the last 3,000 years from a legume native to South China to a widely recommended nutrition powerhouse. It has portrayed important nutritional and cultural roles in Asia that several countries around the world have started conducting research to prove its worth, this according to a report published by Reliv International, a manufacturer and distributor of patented nutritional supplements in 15 countries worldwide.

But, Reliv warns, before you decide on adding soy to your daily diet, find out what this wonder bean is all about. Now is the time to get real facts on soy!

Soy matters

• Soy is found mostly in foods such as soymilk, soy sauce, miso (soybean paste), tempeh (soy cake), and tofu. It is also sometimes added to foods like breads, cereals, and meat products and used as a meat substitute.

• Soy contains all nine amino acids that the human body requires. Unlike animal protein, soy is cholesterol-free and low in saturated fat. It is also a good source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

• Soy is high in fiber and rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

• Soybeans and soy foods provide beneficial amounts of isoflavones.

It's time to get the real facts on soy

Reliv vice chairman and chief scientific officer Dr. Carl Hastings says that there is no evidence that the level of uric acid is connected to soy protein. In Reliv's experience for the past two decades, uric acid production is not a factor for those who are consuming the Reliv products.

Among the causes of elevated level of uric acid are legumes, purine-rich food and concentrated soy like soy sauce. Reliv products feature the nutritional advantages of non-genetically modified whole bean soy protein, which retains all of the phytonutrients isoflavones and antioxidants. Each serving of Reliv Classic and Reliv Now contains only 14 grams of healthy soy. And the synergestic blend of all the nutrients in each Reliv product helps control uric acid.

Super soy!

Reliv International and the Missouri Plant Science Center in Chesterfield, Missouri announced of the creation of LunaRich (registered trademark) - an exclusive soy flour developed and refined to maximize soy's many health benefits.

Dr. Hastings said that this is a significant step forward for Reliv and for nutrition science. As scientists learn more about the mechanisms that make soy a nutritional superfood, Reliv is proud to lead the way in making the fruits of these discoveries available to all.

What is LunaRich?

LunaRich is a new soy powder cultivated from Reliv-dedicated soy fields. MPSC scientists hand-selected soy beans for use in LunaRich that contain the highest possible levels of lunasin, a peptide found naturally in soy. Among the many health benefits of lunasin are: cholesterol management, superior support for cardiovascular health, significant anti-inflammatory properties, and weight loss.

The Filipino behind the discovery of lunasin

Dr. Alfredo Galvez, the MPSC lead scientific advisor, first discovered the lunasin molecule (word is related to "cure" in Filipino) during research at the University of California in Berkeley to improve the nutritional profile of soy protein. More than 29 peer-reviewed and published studies have documented lunasin's health benefits. Research by 21 institutions supported by 27 public and private funding sources has resulted in nine patents.

Only from Reliv

In 1999, the US Food and Drug Administration approved a health claim that "25 grams of soy protein per day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease." Scientists knew soy-based diets reduced LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides while raising HDL (good) cholesterol. However, it wasn't until recently that science uncovered the nutritional "magic" behind soy's cholesterol-lowering abilities.

Studies now show the key is lunasin, a naturally occurring peptide found in soy. LunaRich is the first soy powder to fully harness the power of this amazing discovery - with more than five times the amount of lunasin found in ordinary soy powders.

In fact, studies show that the product is a low-cost and natural alternative to statin drugs for cholesterol lowering. It also reduces risk for cardiovascular disease plus optimum nutrition is now made available for all Filipinos (as Reliv used to be a high-end product).


This has been central to the Reliv difference since the first products were developed - Reliv Classic and Reliv Now (registered brands). With LunaRich soy powder, Reliv has taken the bioavailability of lunasin to a whole new level. LunaRich's unique refinement process retains a more uniform and integrated "shell" of protective chaperone molecules to better protect the lunasin's structure after consumption. The shell is then broken down to allow for maximum absorption of lunasin in the small intestine. So, not only does LunaRich deliver more lunasin, it makes that lunasin more bioavailable for the body to use.

Bioavailability, or how effectively a nutrient is absorbed by the body, has always been a key component in Reliv's approach to nutrition. That's why Reliv products come in the form of easily absorbed shakes or liquid form, rather than pills.

Exciting discovery

"A growing body of research shows that the lunasin peptide is one of the most important bioactive components of soy," Dr. Galvez explains. "Among other benefits, lunasin demonstrates superior support for cardiovascular health and exhibits significant anti-inflammatory properties," he added.

Reliv, he also explained, has always used the best possible soy available, with three times the amount of lunasin found in most soy flours. Dr. Carl noted that "LunaRich takes it to a new level, as it contains five to ten times the level of bioactive lunasin in every serving. And we've been able to direct the entire production process - from seed to can. We are very, very excited about what this means for Reliv and everyone who uses our products."


In the event of massive global appeal for a total ban of bisphenol in food packaging, lawyer Jolly Gomez who is the managing director of Reliv Philippines pointed out in a recent launch here that they are not using metal cans. Instead, they are into cans made of cardboard. And as most Filipino consumers would prefer to buy in sachet (the "tingi" or "menudo" culture), they make sure that sachets are made of 0.5 percent aluminum.

Check out the products at B & G Beauty Regimen, 2nd Floor of Parkmall. Or you may attend orientation sessions at the City Sports Club Cebu every Tuesday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. to get a sample of the items.

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