Hugging for your Heart

CEBU, Philippines - Have you thought of hugging someone today? Would you like to receive one or give one? We got inspired by this simple campaign when we saw a video about it on Youtube initiated by

“Knowing that a simple act of human kindness can mean so much to someone in a time of need inspires me to keep offering free hugs,” said Juan Mann of

In a world that has grown more complicated and more detached due to the advent of technology, we often neglect doing the simple things. The gift of touch is the most powerful healing you can offer someone. It’s also the most powerful healing you can give yourself. 

Why give a HUG?

For the hardships one may have on the daily routine or on an accumulated basis, sometimes a HUG is a lifesaver, a luxury. Even if sometimes we deny it, it may become a need.

1. Are you a Health Buff? Hugging is healthy. It helps the immune system, slows down aging, eases tension, reduces stress and induces sleep. It’s invigorating, rejuvenating and has no unpleasant side effects.

2. Feeling Forever Alone? It dispels loneliness and cures depression. It opens doors to feelings, fosters altruism, non-polluting, environmental-friendly and 100 percent wholesome.

3. No money? Hugging is the ideal gift. Great for any occasion, fun to give and receive, shows you care, fully returnable; inflation-proof, non fattening, no monthly payments, theft-proof and non taxable.

You could say that “Hugging” is an under utilized resource with magical powers. When we open our hearts and arms, we encourage others to do the same. (Source:

Free Hugging during Sinulog 2011-2012

We chose Sinulog not only because of the large number of people that participate but also to celebrate the Sinulog in a different way. It was my way of reaching out to others, sharing some HUGs, some love. Malls, schools, and other public places like airports, prohibit “hugging” since it’s like a form of ‘rally’ daw.

It’s understandable to see people hesitate. Some stare, glare, wonder in bewilderment, we even heard some side comments: LOL, Wow! Cool, WEIRD, Eewww, Hahahaha, Aw, HMM, head scratching, giggles and laughter; some excuses like: I want a Kiss not a Hug; I want one at my house, I’m shy, and many more!

Generally, as a culture, we Filipinos are not really the HUGGING types. It’s kind of foreign, it’s like TRUST, it needs to be earned. We don’t really greet through hugs like other cultures; I guess, we are contented with the “Kilay Effect,” or an “oie/musta?/bai/geng!” But of course, we know that a Hug feels good, if not awesome!

This was a simple campaign, with a lot of GUTS and ACTION. 

“Hugs are a great way to communicate to someone. When words are not enough, we hug to show our love and care,” said Monesse Sesante; while her friend Ninotchka Dayo mentioned that in hugging, “you are letting that special person feel the safety, warmth, and comfort one feels when they are around.” —Both are USC Main Accounting Students

“Without hugs, we fall into sadness and fear. Hugs are one way to show a person his/her importance and that he/she is loved.” — Janelle Moran, USC-TC Architecture Student

Perhaps some are just too negative or might even think about it as some sort of harassment?! But hey, the challenge just makes it more fun in the Philippines I guess?

Sometimes, all we need is a simple wholesome HUG to make it through the day! So, might, as well Hug often and hug well!

Want a hug?

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