Beautiful Cebu Movement Induction of Officers

The Beautiful Cebu Movement Foundation, Inc. (BCMFI) had its induction of officers and board of trustees a few weeks ago with Mayor Michael Rama as the inducting officer.

Inducted were: Mariquita Salimbangon Yeung – chairman, Marguerite Lhuillier – vice chairman, Atty. Joje Decal – president, Ma. Theresa Javier – VP for internal, Bles Patino – VP external, Belinda Wong – secretary, Angel Aliño – assistant secretary, Elizabeth Quisumbing – treasurer, Meren Gepilano – assistant treasurer, this writer – press relations officer. The Board of Trustees inducted were: Ramona Aliño, Edna Lhuillier, Janice Salimbangon, Elizabeth Go and Fely Salimbangon.

After the induction, Mayor Michael Rama expressed his appreciation for all the foundation members’ efforts to achieve its vision and mission. He said that the time has come to make a move and that with the leadership of Mariquita Salimbangon Yeung, the foundation will pave the way for a healthy and beautiful Cebu.

On the other hand, 4th District Congressman Benhur Salimbangon also gave a motivating speech, acknowledging the members’ commitment and enthusiasm in providing a better future for the people of the city. He added that the cause has generated unity and interest among people from the different sectors. Despite criticism, he believes that the foundation will be able to attain its vision and the outcome will benefit all Cebuanos.

So after the first completed sidewalk located in front of the BDO building in Fuente Osmeña was launched, the foundation had succeeding groundbreaking of places where sidewalks are slated to be finished before the year ends. One was at the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and the other at the Department of Health 7 near the old Southern Islands Hospital (now VSMMC), on BSP with Mrs. Marilou Berciles, BSP head assisting and Gen. Ralph Villanueva.

At the DOH 7, leading the groundbreaking were Mayor Mike Rama, Chair Kit Teung and Dr. Susana Madarieta, Director of DOH 7. Immediately after the early morning groundbreaking activities, the group of ladies were guests of Mr. Richard King for lunch at the Wang San, the Chinese resto of Club Ultima.

By the way, the sidewalks from Fuente Osmeña to the Capitol building is courtesy of the Provincial Government of Governor Gwendolyn Garcia and is slated to be completed and inaugurated before Christmass, complete with the lighting of all round beautiful bulbs. To our dear Governor Gwen, a million thanks for your heartfelt support!

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Today, at the University of the Visayas, 36 hearing-imparted from different areas in Cebu and nearby provinces have availed of the free housekeeping course offered by Dr. Jose “Dodong” Gullas.

The course ran for 15 days and is accredited by TESDA. Students will graduate today in simple ceremonies at the University of the Visayas.

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