Sex, Love, and Youth Workshop Culminated September 25

CEBU, Philippines - About 20 young people completed the 14-session workshop on “Sex, Love, and Youth,” last September 25, which offered a Christian approach to the topic, and appreciating sex and sexuality as precious gift of God to be treasured.

Over 50 paricipants started with the first seesion, but only about 20 persevered to complete the comprehensive 14-session program.

The program included such topics as: 1. Today’s Youth and Their Choices; 2. L.I.F.E. - Love, Infatuation, Friendship, and Exploitation; 3. Dating Choices; 4. The Choice – To Do or Not to Do It; 5. The Un-Choice – Teenage Pregnancy; 6. No Easy Choice – Adoption, Teen Marriage, Teen Parenting, and Abortion; 7. Contraception – Is It a Safe Choice; 8. Setting Limits – a Personal Choice; 9. A Criminal Choice – Sexual Abuse; 10. A Non-Choice – Sexual Orientation; 11. Forgiveness – a Healing Choice; 12. Love Choices; 13. Created for Love; and 14. Concluding session – Celebration.

The process includes: Discussion and Sharing; Input on Catholic Teaching; Audio-Visual; Case Studies; Role Plays; Power Points; Movies; and interactive Exchanges.

Instead of a certificate of attendance, the workshop concluded with a guided meditation and the following pledge:


I, ____________________________ fully aware that

God has created me to be a truly loving person.

And for this purpose,

He has entrusted to me the most precious gift of Sex and Sexuality.

This gift is part of my very self, a portion of my greatest power,

by which I share the very power of God to create and nourish human life.

With deep gratitude, I hereby solemnly pledge

that I will treasure this gift – my sexuality.

And I will never misuse or spoil this gift.

I thank God for the gift of life,

the gift of love,

and the gift of sex.

From this moment on

I will use this treasure of my sexuality always

and only as a gift of love.

Lovingly Offered by:


Signature over Printed Name

Received by: _____________________________

Parish Priest

Place: Sacred Heart Parish Date: ________________

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