DepEd Danao Goes Disney

CEBU, Philippines - The opening salvo presentation during this year's festivity of Danao City was marked by a resounding success of the Department of Education Danao City Division's interpretive showcase inspired from Walt Disney's cartoon movie classics that transpired last Friday at the Danao City Civic Center.

Headed by the schools division superintendent Rosalie M. Pasaol with assistant schools division superintendent Roseller N. Gelig, six equally tremendous presentations left the audience in awe as it was a first for the history of DepEd Danao to tackle such an ambitious task of portraying Disney characters such as Pocahontas, Aladdin, Ariel (The Little Mermaid), Mulan, Belle and Beast (Beauty and the Beast), Quasimodo and Esmeralda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame). The concept was an attempt to marry stage play and "comparsa", onstage equipped with five large screen displays, intelligent lighting and special effects. Now this is something these public teachers do not normally do. But they did it anyway, with great success.

Six presentations participated by five school districts and the division office personnel gave six unique presentations unmatched by the previous years of showcasing DepEd night to the public.

Headed by east district supervisor Reza T. Lao, the group presented "The Little Mermaid". They won a spoof award for best actress, for the character of ariel and best supporting actress for Ursula. District supervisor Remegio Mancao headed the north district with their presentation of "Aladdin" which won best actor for the character of genie and best supporting actor for Aladdin. They also bagged the best in costume award. Secondary schools coordinator Rumil C. Banzon led the secondary division's "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" and won the darling of the crowd award for the character of Quasimodo. The south district gave a very powerful performance for Pocahontas under the leadership of district supervisor Susana Lawas. Marlin Canales, west district supervisor, headed their presentation "Mulan". For the first time the division office was well represented in "Beauty and the Beast" through the presence and participation of superintendent Pasaol and assistant superintendent Gelig.

"Overwhelming", was the conclusive reaction of Pasaol after weeks of preparation and hardwork. "This would become a hallmark for the upcoming DepEd presentations for the coming years", she adds with a sigh of satisfaction, and relief showing on her face.

The show was made possible by event coordinator Val Jacobe and choreographer-director – this writer. (FREEMAN)

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