Father's Day

CEBU, Philippines - Ever wondered how Father’s Day started? Well you can thank a woman named Sonora Louise Smart Dodd, for being the driving force behind the holiday.

Born in Spokane, Washington, Sonora was the eldest of six children. Because her mother died from childbirth, she was raised by a single father, Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart. While listening to a Mother’s Day sermon in 1909, she thought that fathers need to have a day of honor just like mothers. So she made up her mind and asked help from the Spokane Ministerial Association and the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) and organized the First Father’s Day.

The First Father’s Day was celebrated in Spokane on June 19, 1910—a couple of weeks after the birthday of Sonora’s father. Young members of the YMCA went to church wearing roses on their shirts: red roses for those honoring a living father, white roses for those honoring a father who has passed away.

Today we celebrate Father’s day every third Sunday of June, honoring our Dads by doing special things for them. But sometimes, we get stuck with cheesy store-bought cards, over-expensive cakes and crappy last-minute gifts because we’re “too busy”. This year, why not do something that requires more work, but rewards a hundred-fold? Here are some fool-proof, no-expense ways to show your Daddy how much you love him!

Sing for your Daddy!

• Make your Dad sit on his favorite chair and have a mini concert with your siblings (or you can do it solo or with your Mom) in your own living room

• You can sing his favorite songs (ask your mom!) or you can sing anything you like just make sure that you’ll have him entertained!

In the end, whatever you do, just make sure to make him smile on that special day. It maybe a small gesture, but do it with love and affection because our Daddies deserve it. Going out of your way to express how you love your Dad—that would surely make his day! Have a fun and memorable Father’s Day!

Make him his favorite meal.

• Ask your Mommy to cook Daddy’s favorite meal (you can assist your Mom)

• Serve the meal in a tray with his favorite drink and a book, newspaper or magazine

• Throw in a simple yet heartwarming homemade card, complete with your drawings and a sweet greeting (don’t forget to say I love you!)

Give him some pampering.

• Have a fresh pair of pants (or shorts) and shirt hanging on his doorknob, with his socks and shoes ready by his bed

• Line up all his toiletries (deodorant, shaving cream/razor, toothbrush/toothpaste, etc.) in the bathroom

• Make his bed for him (fold his blanket, arrange the pillows and the sheets)

• Put the TV or radio on his favorite channel (you can watch the NBA finals with him!) while giving him a relaxing massage

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