Aga and Charlene's secret to a happy family life

CEBU, Philippines - The biggest blessing in life  that’s how celebrity couple Aga and Charlene Muhlach describe their family. Despite their celebrity status, the power couple makes sure they give more than enough time for their growing twins, Atasha and Andres. In fact, Aga and Charlene both agree that spending time with their kids is key to their being a happy family.

“We make it a point for our family to always be together,” shares Aga. Despite being high-profile celebrities, the couple has managed to adjust their showbiz lifestyle and make way for a simple yet colorful life as loving parents to their 8-year-old kids.

Indeed with Atasha and Andres, there’s nothing more Aga and Charlene could ask for. Even the simplest activities – such as sharing a bucket of their favorite crispylicious and juicylicious Jollibee Chickenjoy in the Muhlach household truly make for quality bonding times.

“Every night is a slumber party at home,” shares Aga. Aside from enjoying delicious Chickenjoy meals together, they make sure to share stories of how their day went – especially since the kids go to separate schools and encounter different experiences.

The young Muhlachs on the spotlight

With the children fast growing up, the celebrity parents only want the best experiences for them. “We want them to live a normal life as much as possible,” says Charlene who allows the kids to go out every once in awhile with her mom, Elvie Gonzalez. But with the twins having a matinee idol dad and a beauty queen mom, it cannot be helped that showbusiness truly runs in their own blood.

Recently, when the family shot their latest TV commercial for Jollibee Chickenjoy, it was obvious that Atasha and Andres seemed to be as interested about what happens behind the spotlight. 

Asked if he is open to the idea of his kids entering showbiz, Aga explains if that’s what they want, he’s going to support them. “I just want them to finish their studies first,” he stresses.

The kids have been very much used to shooting Jollibee commercials by now, and eating langhap-sarap meals have become a part of their lifestyle. “They already know how to order from Jollibee Delivery!” Charlene gushes. “They’re very disciplined kids. The last time, Atasha asked for our permission first before ordering their usual favorites: a complete meal of regular Yum with French fries, spaghetti and of course, their favorite Chickenjoy complete with rice and gravy.”

With the twins working at an early age, Aga and Charlene make them understand the value of hard-earned money. The hands-on parents proudly share that when the twins order Jollibee, they even use their own money for it.

“We teach them values not only about money but also about life. I’m proud to say they aren’t spoiled. When we tell them they can’t do or buy certain things, they don’t throw a tantrum,” Aga proudly claims.

Aga and Charlene both agree that nothing beats the experience of spending time with the children, giving them full support while they are fast growing up and enjoying the simple pleasures of life together as a family. No wonder the Muhlachs consider family life as their biggest blessing – it’s something money or fame can’t buy. 

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