Short Stories

The vibes were hip at Parkmall’s latest installation, The Parkmall Fashion Week that crescendo-ed into a fashion show with a merry mix of sound and sights played underneath a big screen that projected evocative images of photographs taken by the Cebu Digital Photographers (CDP). Playing simultaneously was Dj Mael. The models sported messy mohawks and deep, red lipstick. And then there was that ponytail that reminded me of a resurrected pterodactyl. This is Parkmall’s first punch at the fashion week, and the show, held in the mall’s biggest square with the twin runways traversing their indoor pond, was a major step up production-wise from previous presentation. The collections, from Parkmall’s own retail brands like Mars, Nazzo and the likes, were more hippie girl and Wasp-y boy than last season’s ubiquitous summer wear, but the overall feel was still pure energy in the way it closely mimicked some haute brands’ vintage-loving sensibilities.

First up was a layered top of flannel gray and white silk blouse (a Victoriana blouse) with chained bling that exposed none of Anna Alcaraz’ lean bod above a pair of low-slung faded blue denim shorts. Happily, for those of us without six-pack stomachs, not all the clothes require a catwalker’s physique. But if you want to wear them, it helps if you don’t have to go to an office for a living where those uniforms squash every shadow of individuality. In the mix were a sack dress dotted with embroidered paillettes grazing above the knee on Blinky de Leon, liberty patterned short dresses on newest twin sensations April Duenas and Sue Palacio and most evident was a magenta draped short dress on Angel Luzano. For menswear, a lean mean jacket with pocket details, a little boy sweater in avocado and a pink polo shirt all to reveal a pair of patterned neutral colored shorts. If you were wondering whether leggy exposures will be hot again next season, you have your answer. Bravissimo!  ?

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