March On!

CEBU, Philippines - After the previous month’s almost non-stop string of events, March came with easy coolness even amidst rising temperatures.

And what better way to salvo the season than a daytrip to the paradise isle of Pandanon! Along with good friends, lots of food and booze in tow, our summer spirit was at its height for a weekend well-deserved, surrounded with sun and sand.

My decision to slip home one Saturday was thwarted when Monina Blanco practically yanked me out of my solitude to tag me along tp Jason Castro’s mini-concert at the Ayala Center Terraces. Well, I’m no big fan of the former American Idol finalist but I have to admit some of his songs did draw my ear. Or was I just drowned by screams of adoring teen girls?

Then, we were off to our next stop that night, The Penthouse’s 1st year bash! The city’s natural born clubbers flocked to the venue for some cocktails and good music provided by Grammy winning jock and producer Eric Kupper. That certainly was one celebration for the books. More power!

Well, as like any other of my gallivanting around town, I ended up at Formo that same night just in time for the Pentax Night. It was the usual Disco Deluxe Saturday but with a lot of snapshots. And I do mean tequila shots were on the house with a Pentax Optio H90 as a grand giveaway for the evening. Lick, gulp and strike a pose.

Finally, in the same venue, the month ended with the event of all events: PLDT’s MyDSL Overdrive. Just like its triple play service of unlimited broadband, landline and Watchpad, it was a triple treat for media and select guests as the new Speedster Bus was unveiled while cocktails were overflowing and unique entertainment sizzled. Cheers!

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