How the scholarship from SHP R0eshaped my Life

CEBU, Philippines - I came from a broken family where my father was unable to take care of us. He left us starving, and made us search every corner of Cebu for means to survive and finish our studies.

I was a “Sapak boy” from the SAPAK Farm in Compostela, Cebu, which was headed by Fr. Emmanuel Non, SJ. I worked as an all-around houseboy while studying at the Zapatera Night High School. While I studied high school, I kept on praying, asking God to grant me a means to attain a college degree.

My first step in pursuing my dream was participating in Sacred Heart Parish (SHP) activities. When I discovered that SHP would offer a scholarship program for deserving individuals, I was blessed with an opportunity that was truly a grace from God.

Because of this scholarship, my dream came true.

Please permit me to humbly share with you how this scholarship reshaped my life.

It gave me courage. I used to be a shy individual who feared to tackle life’s challenges. Now, after taking various courses in my degree, I am able to confidently speak what needs to be spoken. I believe that my faith in God has strengthened me and has given me confidence to face trials.

It gifted me with understanding. I was once apathetic due to my lack of insight on who I was and my place in this community. By being involved in SHP activities, I was able to understand the importance of each person’s relationship with God. That it is important to know what is within oneself and that one must always, with faith, dedicate our life, dreams and career to God; on knowing what is within one’s self, and the need for dedicating your life, self and career to God.

It healed my wounded soul. In the past, I used to question why God gave me many trials in life. Through the session “Free to be Me,” my heart was freed from these bad emotions. I now understand that my hardships were God’s way of forging me into being a “real man” for Him. It helped me come to grips with my emotions.

It made me believe in justice and equality. I have learned that justice does not depend on man’s subjective interpretations. Rather, that we have a God of Infinite Wisdom, whose justice encompasses every aspect of our lives, even the smallest of our concerns.

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