An art Exhibit with compassion

CEBU, Philippines - As Christians, there can never be much passion of celebration than celebrating the Christmas Season. No amount of difficulty or a handful of catastrophe can deter us to commemorate the celebration of the birth of the Child Jesus. Not even an economic slow down or political bickering can ever be the reason for our failing to appreciate the importance of Christmas. For Christmas is a good season for us to remember the day when the word was made flesh; when the Child Jesus had shown to us how it is to be humble; when Mary and Joseph demonstrated to us how it is to be obedient to God; and how we should show our utmost reverence to the God made man and to the man made God as manifested to us by the Magi.

But what is most revered for this season is the opportunity for us to give rather than to receive. And what a positive effort it shall be if our being Christians can inspire us to share whatever talent we have in an effort to alleviate the pain of our fellowmen who are at this moment are sharers of God’s Passion.

On December 16 to 31, the Sacred Heart Parish Community in cooperation with a group of Cebuano artists will initiate an art project entitled: “Enfleshing The Word.” The activity started last December 16, right after the Misa de Gallo. The affair is a venue where artists and children enflesh the reason for the season of Christmas. Art works exhibited are all done on paper, interpreted in different style and medium. The exhibit is at the Sacred Heart Parish Garage Art Studio.

Participating artists are Cesar Castillo, Fr.Jason Dy,SJ, Luther Galicano-II, Guido Lubanga, Nomar Miano, Sio Montera, Celso Pepito, JM Picornell, Ritchie and Franslyn Quijano, Palmy Pe Tudtud, Arlene Villaver and Jose “Kimsoy” Yap,Jr.

Some four hundred students from Zapatera Elementary School will also be showing their selected drawings during the exhibit.

The exhibit is aimed at giving the parishioners a chance to relate the birth of Christ through the exhibited drawings. It also hopes to bring the art more closer to the masses so as to remedy the notion that it is but elitist in nature. Above all, it endeavors to raise funds for the Jesuit Infirmary.

The Jesuit Infirmary is tasked to take care of “The men who unselfishly gave of themselves to continue God’s work of love by caring for His people. Now, the Lord has given them a share in His Passion.” And so, this exhibit serves as a visual call, “To all those whose hearts they’ve touched, whose wounds they’ve bound, whose hurts they’ve healed; and those minds they’ve nurtured.” Perhaps by this visual expression, we shall realize that,” All of us are called to carry on with their mission that they tirelessly pursued. Let us now be their comfort and strength in their moments of affliction.”

Priests have untiringly helped in the spiritual formation of our society. They are the light to those who are in darkness, and hope for the oppressed. They stand for what is right and showed much compassion on the plight of the needy. But as their time of service ends, they in return, will need our compassion and support.

Enfleshing The Word is a venue tailored for us to manifest our concern for the Alter Christos who are now retired. Let us support this fund raising activity initiated by the Sacred Heart Parish in cooperation with the Cebuano artists and the students of Zapatera Elementary School. Aside from the percentage of the art sale, donations are also welcome. For those who appreciate and collect art, you can collect any of the exhibited works with a minimal price and have the chance to help raise funds for the Jesuit Infirmary.

For more information please contact Fr. Jason Dy, SJ at 09265159756.

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