A safe New Year's welcome

According to www.fireworks.com, fireworks originated in China some 2,000 years ago. There are many stories on how fireworks originated but legend has it that fireworks were discovered or invented by accident by a Chinese cook working in a field kitchen who happened to mix charcoal, sulphur and saltpeter. The three items were commonly found in the kitchen during those days. The mixture burned and when compressed in an enclosure (a bamboo tube), the mixture exploded.

There are also sources who say that the discovery of fireworks occurred about 2,000 years ago, and other sources place the discovery sometime during the 9th century during the Soong dynasty (960-1279). This, however, could be a confusion between the discovery of gunpowder by the cook and the invention of the firecracker.

A Chinese monk named Li Tian, who lived near the city of Liu Yang in Hunan Province, is credited with the invention of firecrackers about 1,000 years ago. The Chinese people celebrate the pyrotechnic invention every April 18 by offering sacrifices to Li Tian. In the Soong Dynasty, the local people established a temple to worship Li Tian.

Firecrackers, both then and now, are thought to have the power to fend off evil spirits and ghosts that are believed to be frightened by the loud noise.

The use of firecrackers, although very popular when welcoming the New Year, has caused many injuries. Some lost a finger, an eye or even an arm. Despite all the injuries that firecrackers have caused, many still greet the New Year by making noise using firecrackers. Are these really necessary? Here are a few reasons why you should rethink using firecrackers to welcome 2009:

1. Blown-off fingers, burned skin and other bloody injuries. These reasons need no further explanation. Just think about it. Would you want to start 2009 with a missing finger?

2. Firecrackers leave piles and piles of trash. Would you want to greet the New Year with piles of trash in your yard? I don’t think so!

3. Smoke emitted by firecrackers is dangerous to your health and the environment. The smoke may cause asthma and other respiratory illnesses. These are also harmful to pets.

There are other ways to welcome the New Year with a bang. You can use coins and jingle these inside your pockets or you can beat on drums, cans, pots and pans or better yet, use the torotot (horns) to welcome 2009. Remember, the best way to greet the New Year is to be safe….and healthy.

A prosperous 2009 to everyone!

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