A Healer Comes Home

After 35 years of being away from his hometown, California-based Catholic Charismatic healer Robert “Bob” Canton is set to visit Cebu on November 26 and 27 to conduct healing seminars and services.

Bob, who was born in Cebu City on June 22, 1951, moved to the United States to join his siblings and his parents in 1973 after obtaining an accounting degree from the University of San Carlos. In 1977, Bob married Chita Romero, a Filipino registered nurse and they have two daughters, Stephanie and Tricia.

It was in 1984 when Bob and his wife attended a Growth in the Spirit Seminar at the Church of the Presentation Parish in Stockton California and they both received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This radically changed their lives.

“My wife had received the gifts of tongues and prophecy and word of knowledge and other gifts instantly and I had not because I was busy figuring out and analyzing what had happened to us. Three months later I received the gift of tongues during Mass one Sunday morning. I asked the Holy Spirit to give me the grace to pray and to speak in tongues. It was an experience that I will never forget,” shared Bob.

On December 8, 1984, while Bob and his wife were praying, Chita turned to him and started prophesying, “My son, my name is Jesus. I’m using my daughter, your wife, to talk to you. Do not be afraid. I’m going to use you to heal millions in my name.”

In 1989, Bob started a monthly Mass and Healing Service at St. Luke’s Parish in Stockton and this has been going on until today.

Bob will be coming home to Cebu to share his gift of healing to his Cebuano brothers and sisters. “I look forward to the opportunity to being God’s healing to touch my fellow Filipinos,” he said.

Watch out for Bob Canton on November 26, 7 p.m. at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish for a public healing service.

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