
Freeman Cebu Lifestyle

Keep the faith!

- Jen F. Vega -

“Faith ends where worry begins, and worry ends where faith begins,” said evangelist George Mueller.

For three years already, the Rustan’s Essenses Foundation’s Look Good Feel Good program uplifted the spirits of women with breast cancer by providing free makeovers, nail and skin care in an afternoon of bonding and encouragement held at Rustan’s Ayala Center Cebu. This year’s program was not limited to breast cancer survivors since patients with ovarian and fallopian tube cancers were also invited.

Twenty-two-year-old Jonna Marie Loyloy had the biggest shock of her life when she learned that she has ovarian cancer during the first week of June this year, just days before her birthday last June 22. A graduate of Banking and Finance, Jonna in an exclusive interview with The FREEMAN Lifestyle, said that she only had one regret in her life, that is she never paid much attention to her body. She had a series of stomach pains which she thought was just hyperacidity, not expecting it was something serious until her tummy bloated. Alarmed at that, she went to see a physician.

Jonna turned emotional when she revealed she can’t anymore bear a child since her ovaries and uterus were removed during the operation. Saddened and depressed at that sad reality, for not being able to completely feel the ultimate essence of a woman, Jonna however relates that she must take care of herself now and keep the faith burning. She recently had her third chemotherapy and has three more sessions to go. It was during Rustan’s Essenses Foundation’s Look Good Feel Good program last October 2 that Jonna happily said she gained back her confidence despite losing her crowning glory.

As part of her health care mantra, she refrains from eating oily food and includes fish, vegetables and fruits in her diet. Way to go, Jo! Jonna was the first cancer conqueror who took the make-over seat upon the request of Clinique’s beauty expert.

Mila Moreno, 62, meanwhile finally declared she “graduated” from breast cancer after she got diagnosed 14 years ago. Doctors said cancer can either be caused by your genes or your lifestyle. Mila got hers from her genes. Her two brothers died of cancer and she also lost her sister-in-law due to breast cancer. Mila had been vigilant and early detection spared her from the ugly and cruel manifestations/effects of the illness.

On her third chemo, her hair fell off and on the fourth, she lost her appetite. She forced herself to eat (except salty food and coffee). She shared that the most dreaded part of undergoing chemo are its effects like nausea, vomiting, you turn pale/green and dryness of skin. “I had depressing thoughts, I felt ugly,” she recalled.

Mila said that when she was diagnosed with cancer 14 years ago, there were lesser cases of breast cancer and little was known about the illness. She is thankful that there are now more doctors and support groups in the community who are much willing to assist and spread information about cancer. Her advice to all cancer patients: “Pray and have faith. Don’t give up! Keep on going. Continue with your usual activities.” Mila also said that everyone must be careful of what we eat; refrain from eating junkfood and salty food, stop smoking and minimize drinking alcohol. Our lifestyle determines our health, in other words.

When asked how she felt after the make-over, “Na-surprise ko. Hala, guwapa man diay ko!”

Rustan’s make-up consultant Jessie Glova was among those who were kind enough to offer their maquillage services to the ladies that afternoon, along with Winston Abregonda. “It’s nice to make people happy and beautiful, as well. It’s beyond a profession; it’s a noble thing to do. The difference this time is, I am giving them special attention unlike preparing for runway shows where everything is in a rush. They (the participants) definitely get pampered,” enthused Jessie. He’s been giving make-overs to the cancer survivors for two years now.

The Look Good Feel Good event was also made possible with the support of Clinique, Posh Nails, Ayala Center Cebu, I Can Serve-Cebu, CAN with God, Cancer Care Network of Cebu, Cebu Breast Association, Cebu Cancer Fight, Kahayag Network and the Rotary Club of Cebu Fuente.

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