Zonta Club of Cebu II Officers induction

The Zonta Club of Cebu II recently had its installation and induction of officers and board of directors at the Granada Room of the Casino Español de Cebu. The new set of officers was inducted into office by Governor Narudees Kiengsiri and Lt. Governor Beng Puyat.

 Inducted into office were president Elsa Blanco Basubas, vice president Pettite Garcia, recording secretary Myrna Ngo Chua, corresponding secretary Marietta Malinao, assistant secretary Deborah Limchu, treasurer Cita Chan, assistant treasurer Cynthia Bagus, auditor Lydia Sia, P.R.O Liza Young. The members of the board of directors are Elena Young, Filna Espina, Lourdes Jereza, Nancy Velez, Elizabeth Reyes, Jane Llaban, Mildred Simolde and Natividad "Betty" Young.

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 The Rosary Center of Our Lady of Manao in barangay Corte, Carmen will celebrate its 15th anniversary on September 8, the fiesta of the Blessed Virgin. For pilgrims who may want to visit the center on that date, Mass will be at 10:00 a.m. with Fr. Thomas Thekumttotam.

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