Lucky Charms For Your Room (Part 1)

Each person has his or her own individual auspicious direction depending on his or her “kwa” number. Here are some lucky charms for the different directions or parts of your bedroom.

• In the southwest part of the bedroom, display a pair of mandarin ducks, rose quartz in the shape of hearts or love gems for a successful marriage.

• In the western part, display a pair of elephant figurines to have a productive marriage and good descendants (children). A picture of a pomegranate or a pair of swans give fertility luck and crystal globes will give smart kids. A figure of a three-generation tortoise (three tortoises, one on top of the other with the biggest below and then smallest on top) will also help produce a good line of descendants.

• The east is the health sector in your bedroom. To have a healthy life, display a tortoise or Wu Lou (ground-shaped vessel), a jade tree or a Laughing Buddha in this part. These suggested enhancers could be placed on a table. Use a compass to find the right direction for positioning.

• If you want to activate your marriage luck, create peach blossom luck. This will help you find your soul mate. If you are an ox, snake, or rooster-born person place a figure or picture of a red horse in the south portion of your room. If you were born in the year of the rat, dragon or monkey, place a golden rooster in the north of the bedroom. A green rabbit will attract marital luck to the dog, tiger or horse if it is placed in the east.

• If your bedroom is located in the east, hang a six-rod metal chime or six-heavy I-Ching coins tied in red string on the eastern portion to counter the effect of the illness star. You can guard your bedroom positioned in this location against this violence star with a pair of rhinoceros to overcome bad luck.

• Counter the unlucky effect of the five yellow stars in the northwest by placing a five-element pagoda.

•To avoid the argumentative star, which produces quarrels, rocky marriages and unstable partnerships, place a red and gold Laughing Buddha or a Mandala painting in the southeast sector of the bedroom.

•To prevent extramarital affairs, place six smooth colored crystal balls in the center of a table or shelf in your bedroom.

•The auspicious wealth star is in the south this year. To attract happiness and wealth, place a wish-fulfilling bird like a peacock or phoenix and put bright lights in the southern sector of your room.

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