Cebu Marriott included in list of favorite hotels worldwide, the largest and multi-awarded online travel agency in the world has recently released THE EXPEDIA INSIDER’S SELECT LIST which includes the top 1 percent of their 89,800 partner hotels and resorts worldwide. This list of select top hotels was determined by their experts and millions of customers in terms of value and quality. Cebu City Marriott Hotel ranked no. 369 out of their 898 favorite hotels and resorts in the top 1 percent  — the only hotel in Cebu and one of the only two hotels from the Philippines, Makati Shangrila being the other.

According to Cebu Marriott General Manager Roy Abraham, this listing is made more meaningful by the fact that the rating is done not only by Expedia’s travel experts but by the guests themselves who have been more than pleased with their stay at Cebu Marriott.

“We are extremely proud of this listing because this is unsolicited. Cebu Marriott does not usually trumpet its successes but this is an exception since our satisfied guests go online and tell the world about their great stay. And to be the only hotel in Cebu in the top 1 percent speaks volumes of how our associates live and breathe our ‘Spirit to Serve’ culture,” Roy added.

Coming in the heels of this accomplishment is the major refurbishment of the entire property in June. Guests will soon be experiencing a hip and more luxurious Cebu City Marriott Hotel attuned to the changing needs of the modern business traveler.

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