The Greatest Insult to a Man

Men are confused. Very, very confused. They have no clue about their societal role. Are they supposed to be tough and macho or sweet and caring? When 2,000 men in 13 countries were grilled by the Chicago ad agency Leo Burnett with a bunch of survey questions in the “2007 Man Study,” it was easy to see that males worldwide fell into one of four categories, depending on their personality, life goals and daily work:

1. Metros

2. Retros

3. Patriarchs

4. Power-seekers

The study concluded that we are now witnessing a new experience of male insecurity and confusion, report The New York Post and Brand Republic. That said, men’s sense of what’s offensive has certainly become more sensitive than in previous generations. Nearly 75 percent said one of these three statements was the greatest insult someone could throw at them:

29 percent say: “He’ll never amount to anything.”

24 percent say: “Everyone laughs behind your back.”

21 percent say: “You’re stupid.”


Some surprising findings:

Just over half of the men surveyed said their role in society is unclear. Frenchmen are the most confused at 64 percent, while Indian men are the least confused at 36 percent. Half of American men are confused.

10 percent of men of all ages think their role in society is becoming less dominant.

73 percent of men prefer to have a job that they love versus a job that pays well.


The ultimate male fantasies were ranked in this (surprising) order:

1. End world hunger.

2. Be a world famous sports star.

3. Marry a supermodel.


What is the cause of this global identity crisis? The study authors blame it on the rise of feminism and empowered women in the workplace.

Source: Cannes International Advertising Festival.

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