
Freeman Cebu Lifestyle

Awakened! The Third Eye Experience

- Ardelle T. Merton -

I know what you’re thinking: This is just baloney. Do humans even have a third eye? Well, I thought the same thing myself. When we were children, most of us heard stories of what third-eyed people would see – white ladies, premonitions, hidden feelings, the works. As we get older, I suppose our belief in the supernatural wanes. But our fascination with it…perhaps that never does. So when I chanced upon an Awakening the Third Eye Workshop recently, I figured this was the chance to find out if it was all real indeed. “It’s a once in a lifetime event in Cebu! You should be a part of it,” Angie, a lady participant of the workshop and member of the Cebu Paranormal Society, told me. In my gut, I knew she was right. So on the first day of the workshop, I brought with me an open mind.

Let me start off with the basics. Blond-haired Helma Schipper was our instructor for the two-day workshop. She had been practicing the third eye techniques for years in Clairvision school in Sydney, Australia. Her assistant for the workshop was the kind-hearted Techie, an architect based in Manila. Like MENSA-member Helma and architect Techie, many of the workshop participants were actually well-educated and intelligent people, including several doctors of medicine, entrepreneurs and master degree holders. The workshop of about 25 particpants was held at Mind Body  Well-Being Studio in Lahug. Oh and for kids and adults alike, please don’t try this at home without an instructor. Here are some of my experiences:

Day 1:

According to Clairvision philosophy, each one of us has a third eye, which is a non-physical organ used for introspection and other purposes. Most third eyes remained untapped, so as participants of the workshop, we had to awaken ours.

Sitting in a comfortable lotus position with eyes closed, we began with the basic technique, using throat friction to create friction and vibrations (similar to the sound Darth Vader of Star Wars makes). This stimulates the third eye. Then we were told to concentrate the vibrations to the area between our eyebrows place our palm onto the area.

“If you feel a slight pain between your eyebrows and start to see colors, your third eye is opening,” Helma’s voice says, seemingly distant, though she was only a few feet away.

Personally, I didn’t feel pain between my eyebrows, but when I placed my hand there, I felt pain in my hand! I then started to see flashes of purple swirling about…and the next thing I knew, fellow participant Kristian, Business Development Manager of PCM Express Systems Inc., was nudging me awake. I had fallen asleep! But at least I had learned the first moves. One female participant reported having a slight headache when she was opening her third eye and Kristian himself was bit shaken (as in his literally his body shook) and had seen a little girl in his vision. Wow! They were all normal reactions, Helma assured us.

Lunchtime followed and we had a vegetarian meal (thanks to Meat Magic, it was delicious nonetheless, even for carnivores like yours truly). Even the camote juice was a delightful drink that hinted some spice.

We huddled around simple tables. Dr. John, a feng shui practitioner and doctor of medicine, was talking with some of the ladies when he suddenly singles me out, looks right at me and says, “You. You wanted to be a doctor or a nurse but you’re afraid of blood, aren’t you?”

Stunned, I could only nod my head in agreement. He was absolutely right. And how long had I known him prior to that? Oh, just a minute. That was the first sentence he ever said to me. And already he saw that much in me.

“Then you wanted to be a flight attendant. What happened to that?” Dr. John continued, with soft eyes that seemed to see right through my heart.

Right again. I was amazed and baffled.

“Doc, why did you join the seminar when your third eye is already open?” Letty, another participant, then asked Dr. John. She herself was wide-eyed with wonder.

“For practice,” came his reply.

I remember thinking to myself, could I ever read people just like Dr. John did after this workshop?

*  *  *

When one’s third eye is awakened, one can use it for belly and heart exercises and when done with a partner, you can learn a lot about that partner…without even uttering a word. That afternoon, we had belly exercises. The belly is said to the seat of one’s energy in one’s body and when harnessed, the energy from the belly is very powerful.

I partnered with Kristian for this one and we stood facing each other with eyes closed. We started the throat friction, concentrated the vibrations on our third eyes, and then concentrated onto our belly. Helma then instructs us to open our eyes and look straight at our partner. But I couldn’t! I couldn’t bring myself to open my eyes because for some odd reason, I was swaying back and forth uncontrollably…at angles that could’ve knocked me backward, but still, I did not fall. On my first instinct, I reached out for Kristian’s belly so I could steady myself and the swaying stopped immediately. My eyes flew open on second instinct and I saw Kristian totally controlled and calm. He wasn’t swaying at all!

Then (someone whom we call) Master, an aged participant and long-time instructor of a certain type of yoga, grasped my arm and told me, “Here, let’s switch partners. That one is too strong for you.”

I gladly obliged. With my second partner Ahmad, proprietor of a Persian chain of restaurants, I did not sway anymore…but then again, I didn’t see anything else for the day.

Kristian later shared with me that when he switched to face Master, he saw guardians surrounding the old man. Thus, Kristian couldn’t get through to see Master’s emotions and asked Master about his guardians. Master smiled and replied calmly, “Oh my. I thought I had dismissed them last night.”


Day 2:

In the morning of Day 2, we had heart exercises to unlock our partner’s innermost emotions and in the process, unlock our own. We sat in lotus position and faced a new partner. I faced a lady named a dynamic woman named Lily. I remember seeing a bright orange aura surrounding her when I opened my eyes and heart to face her. Later, I was told that orange meant a happy aura and that she was indeed a happy person.

My next partner was a gifted, petite lady named Joy. She had delicate, feminine features and she wore a flowing white dress that reminded me of an angel. And she was amazing. After we faced each other, Joy told me that she saw that my grandmother was very close to me (correct) and that she liked seeing me with my hair tied up (correct again). Joy also foresaw a male in my family was bound to be very successful in the future.

After another vegetarian lunch, we had a psychic sleep session, during which I really fell asleep, so I can’t really describe that one. Afterwards, Helma describes to us a brief background on earth lines, and how these lines of negative energy can cause body ailments. She cited an account in Paris, wherein occupants of the room would somehow get stricken with cancer. Thus, when setting one’s bed, one mustn’t plop the bed onto an earth line. So how could we detect these lines so we could avoid them?

We could do so by a technique called dousing. With loose metal rods grasped in each hand, we practiced moving across the room to detect the earth line energy. Astonishingly, when we’d stand upon an earth line, the loose metal rods would align across the line…and pause. As long as one stood on the line, the metal rods would align themselves.  I found the same earth line as some other participants, so I knew I was on the right track. We were also told not to practice dousing for more than about 30 minutes a session, because the technique is very energy-draining. Hmmm. Come to think of it, perhaps all the techniques are, because I sure felt fatigued after each exercise, even though we sat down the whole time.

After dousing, we were required to wash our hands with water, while employing the throat friction technique. This was said to wash away the negative energy we had gathered from detecting earth lines.

There were many other incidents I personally experienced during those fateful two days…but I’m not sure you’d believe it all. I learned so much, met many interesting people and witnessed for myself what I never thought possible. So…do we really have a third eye? Were all the myths about the third eye not really myths at all? I still can’t answer those questions for you, but I leave those to your own open mind and receptive attitude to find the answers. Seeing is believing, after all.

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