Developing a Community-based Tourism in Argao

A community-based tourism program is now in the making in the town of Argao, Cebu. This undertaking is a joint project of Turismo Rural Foundation (TRF) and the local government unit of Argao through its tourism commission.

The program is anchored on the move to preserve ancestral homes and utilize these as "lodging house" for visiting tourists.

Camille Ocampo, a staffer to Turismo Rural Foundation, revealed during the recently concluded tourism show held at the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel in Lahug that their group has chosen Argao as the pilot area for this project in view of its great potentials.

TRF is a non-profit organization aimed to catalyze and support the development of sustainable community-based tourism program as way of enhancing and preserving the local cultural heritage. Aside from the natural resources ranging from the pristine beached in the lowland to the various natural attractions in the mountains, the town is also gifted with a rich heritage from its ancestors: centuries old houses and other religious artifacts.

Natural attractions include the famous Lawis Beach Resort in the poblacion, the Bagasok Falls and the "Balay sa Agta" (cave) in the mountain area. The town is one of the oldest in Cebu, having been founded by the Spaniards and established as a "pueblo" in the year 1608. The Roman Catholic Church and the adjoining municipal hall attest to this.

Argao's name is derived from "Sali-Argao", a kind of tree which was once abundant along the shoreline. But these natural attractions could not stand alone, the community must be also tourism-oriented, said Ocampo. "Right now, we are preparing the community on how to handle tourists both local and foreign," she said. "Human resource is a very important component of tourism that must be developed. When we talk of accommodation, we do not only refer to lodging facilities but also to local services and shopping." Slowly, the community is gearing its direction towards tourism. A local school, Cebu State College of Science and Technology (CSCST) - Arago campus through its superintendent Pedrito Pontillas, has formed a dance troupe towards this end.

During the tourism show, the dance troupe presented the town's cultural heritage. Ocampo said their organization in coordination with the local tourism commission, is in the process of identifying old house which can be developed into "lodging house". At the same time, they are conducting relevant training for the community.

"We are hopeful that the community of Argao will someday become the prime mover of tourism in the area," Ocampo added.

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