Realizing a Golden Vision

When I joined the staff of the Filipino American Community Development Council, Inc., the non-profit organization that manages the city-owned Jacinto Tony Siquig Northside Community Center in San Jose, California in mid-2003, one of the items on the master plan was that the new facilities would have a world-class Cultural Performing Arts Series that would be affordable and accessible to everyone - especially our low-income seniors, families, and at-risk youth. When I left the center for other opportunities, I didn't realize that I would be back to actually check off that item on the master checklist.

Well, we did it last November 26! We successfully launched the first of a series of "The Cultural Performing Arts Series at JTS Northside." The audience was bowled over and overwhelmed by the quality, beauty, and magnitude of the performers' artistry and passion - that they willingly sat for three hours. Even I was taken aback by the emotions running through every cell of my being. Tears flowed freely among the onlookers. Sanny Leviste, our volunteer photographer, was able to capture Stephanie Reese's tears on camera during a sentimental scene with Stephanie's stage grandfather and grandmother.

I was amazed at the audience spontaneously standing up and screaming, "Bravo!" Better yet, when Stephanie Reese said, "My voice is a gift - and I am humbly grateful! I am proud to be Filipino!" - many of us knew she meant this wholeheartedly. Even San Jose's own tenor, 19-year old Calvin Keen, sang "Ako Ay Pilipino!" with fervor that activists-at-heart who are working very hard to maintain JTS Northside could not help but feel pride.

Stephanie Reese was on a roll. She had invited a prominent Filipino American guitarist, Angelo Pizarro and a very special conga drummer and percussionist, Ramon Salvador, to complement the "magic hands" of the Philippines' most renowned pianist and instrumentalist, Joselito Pascual, who accompanied most of Stephanie's songs. This was also the first time that the audience was able to experience Stephanie's other talents as a dancer and an actor.

Ben Menor, the President & CEO of FilAmCDC, Inc., made sure that the technical requirements of the production were worthy of a world-class production. Even Angelo Pizarro was amazed at the center's acoustical perfection.

The concert came with dinner for $100. For sure, the $25 and $50 ticket holders were treated to a hearty merienda.

When people approached staff members and volunteers after the event, their comments were very similar: "You didn't tell us it would be THIS good!" The reply was always, "Yes, we did! Now, bring in more people to watch our next concert! You know our center can deliver!"

The assessment? The audience, numbering around 175 people who wanted to be there even if it was a very busy holiday weekend, especially when there was only a 3-week lead time to promote the event, said it all: "WOW!" For those of you who want to see our multi-ethnic, inter-cultural, and intergenerational cultural performing arts flourish abundantly at JTS Northside - the ground-zero for cutting-edge programs and activities - we could use a lot of your support. Send me an e-mail at and ask me how you can be a supporter of the "Golden Vision Fundraising Campaign."

Wow! It is a Golden Vision.

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