
Freeman Cebu Entertainment

MIPH’s Cebu, Leyte delegates gear up for finals night

The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines — After three months of preparation, Cebu and Leyte’s delegates for Mister International Philippines (MIPH) 2024 hope to see their hard work bear fruit at the pageant’s June 30 finals in San Jose, Batangas.

Ralph Jude Dinolan of Cebu City, George Indino Fedrequilan from Pinamungajan, Cebu, Rod Miguel Lopez of Toledo City, and Dr. Jake Keanu Batiancela of Leyte expressed mixed emotions of excitement and anxiety as they represent their localities in the national stage.

“I am so excited to be representing not just my hometown, Calubian, but also the entire Leyte. It gives me so much pride and joy that I will be able to promote my hometown, our culture and what we can offer to the world,” said Batiancela, a newly licensed medical doctor, during a send-off press conference at Mezzo Hotel.

Fedrequilan, a 23-year-old medical technologist, shared how during MIPH’s press presentation in Manila last April that Pinamungajan “was not known”, thus he feels “honored and proud” to place his hometown in the spotlight.

Dinolan, a former commercial basketball player, said it has been a challenge to juggle his pageant duties with his other responsibilities.

“I’m really having a hard time to maximize my schedule because I have work. Then I will do pasarela and Q&A. I also play basketball,” said Dinolan.

“But I am here right now. Ready to have a crown.”

Despite the demands of being a pageant candidate, Batiancela shared what keeps him going. “I think this came out as a surprise to everyone. Not just to myself, but also to my family and friends, because it was during my review days. This was actually out of the stress and my impulsiveness. It was a motivation for me that I would be able to claim that license as I join Mr. International Philippines,” he said.

As an ambassador of Safe Space PH, Batiancela was delighted of his hometown’s show of support.

“I was actually really surprised that a lot of people came during my mental health awareness seminar. It’s something that really gives me joy. One of the best memories I had was having the full support of my family and the people in my hometown.”

Admitting that his physique might not be at its best, Lopez said he doesn’t find this enough reason to back down.

“Because if I have five qualities and one isn’t functioning, why should I abandon the four qualities left? If I am ready mentally, I am ready emotionally, and I can bring myself to be present in the pageant, to be performing at my utmost capabilities despite my body not being ready, then I should still continue,” he said. “If you have five coins and someone steals one, would you be upset if you still have four?”

Fedrequilan, a college instructor at the University of San Jose Recoletos, believes his optimism is his topmost edge in the tilt.

“I believe that having a positive outlook in life will influence your surroundings. Influencing your surroundings not just by your physical attributes but also the way you talk and you handle yourself,” he said.

At last year’s MIPH, Team Cebu, led by its regional director Lemuel Rosos, snagged a crown courtesy of Nathaniel Tiu, who was named Mister Earth International Philippines 2023. — Kassandra Venice Broca

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