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Cynthia Thomalla named UN Goodwill Ambassador

Karla Rule - Associated Press

CEBU, Philippines — True to her word, Cynthia Thomalla is slowly taking strides in fulfilling the duties that come with her current title.

Cynthia, the Visayan beauty queen who won the Miss Eco International crown in Egypt last April, is further proving that the relevance of beauty competitions go beyond the surface.

The Macrohon, Southern Leyte native was officially named as United Nations Goodwill Ambassador in behalf of the IIMSAM (Intergovernmental Institution for the use of Micro-algae Spirulina against Malnutrition). General Secretary Romegio Maradona and Dr. Ismail Abdelghafar who is the Chairman of the Arab League in Alexandria, Egypt were present at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport in Alexandria to appoint the Reyna ng Aliwan 2016 titleholder.

The 23-year-old tourism and events management alumna from STI Maasin has been granted the responsibility of promoting tourism, taking care of the environment, as well as helping the less fortunate. The Sinulog Festival Queen 2016 winner admits that it’s not going to be easy, saying that although sustainable tourism is right up her alley as a tourism graduate, she feels the need to constantly study up on different ways to end environmental issues.

 “It takes a lot of getting used to. I have to reach out to the UN and write letters. It’s challenging because I really have to think about what I want to say. It’s not just a simple letter,” Cynthia had told The Freeman before she left for Egypt.

 “I’m familiar with tourism and how to take care of the environment and the issues going on. I’m just not that familiar with the sciences behind it. So I need to study. And I’m learning a lot.”

 An avid traveller herself, Cynthia wants to educate people on sustainable tourism especially that she comes from a country that relies on its natural resources for tourism. Although she understands that environmental issues may not be the same for every country, Cynthia thinks that education is key.

 “I think the common way to address environmental problems is to educate the people first, and encourage them to start with themselves. If you’re the only person doing the right thing while a million other people are doing things wrong, there won’t be much of a difference. I really hope to make a huge impact to the organization, and to make sure to leave something as the first Asian and Filipina to win the Miss Eco International crown,” Cynthia says.

 Cynthia also reacted to comments about her title being “low-tier” and not as grand compared to other crowns. She says regardless of the title, the meaning of a crown is defined by what someone has done to fulfill their duties.

 The Fil-German recently flew back to Egypt to celebrate the Environment Day among the Arab states. Between campaigns and speaking engagements, Cynthia is also constantly working with various organizations at home. One of her most recent events were in public schools around Ermita and Labangon, Cebu City for back-to-school charity events.

 She is likewise looking forward to going all hands-on at her hometown in Leyte. Her first agenda as Miss Eco International is putting a stop to olaric pollution which has caused problems not only in urban areas but in many of our seas.

Upon her becoming a UN Ambassador, Cynthia took to social media to express her gratitude on being granted a wider avenue to pursue her advocacies. On her Instagram handle, she urges the public to stand together and be the change, apart from making her advocacy for the environment a mission for life.

“I uphold its cause not just on this day but every single day that I live in this planet,” Cynthia wrote.

“This is our habitat. This is our home. Let us do everything to rejuvenate and take care of it. Let us all take part in fighting plastic pollution. I encourage each and every one of you to ignite that awareness within you and turn it into actions. Remember, a spark of motivation can turn into a flame of rejuvenation. Lest we forget, Mother Earth can survive without us but we cannot survive without her.”

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