
Freeman Cebu Entertainment

Stagers Philippines brings ‘Popepular’ to Cebu

The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines - What if Pope Francis was Filipino?

This was the first question that popped out of the mind of the writer who created the original Filipino musical “#Popepular: Paano Kung Pinoy si Kiko?” after the historical visit of the very popular Pope Francis to the Philippines last January.

Actor, writer, director and lawyer Vincent M. Tañada said he and his son were amongst the thousands of Filipinos who braved the heat just to get a glimpse of the Pope. He remembered vividly that while he was excited to see the current head of the Catholic Church, he was also agitated about his son’s condition.

“I was also worried that my son will get sick because he was already wet (from the rain). But I also told myself that if nothing goes wrong with him, then I promised myself I will write about him,” Tañada shares during a Cebu press conference.

Indeed, Tañada’s son was all up and perky the following day. No signs at all of the stress and the threat of flu seen a day ago. With this little miracle, a promise must then be fulfilled. And so the journey to faith and devotion for the revered Pope Francis made him write a masterpiece.

Tañada, one of the founders of the Philippine Stagers Foundation (PSF), is known for writing and producing educational and historical musicals including the successful “Bonifacio” and “Mactan 1521,” among others.

“#Pope-pular” is his first venture with religion-inspired musicals. Literally, the Pope’s visit was a life-changing event for this world-class artist.

“Pope-pular,” according to Tañada, is a story about hope, love and inspiration. This will not only be a biography of the Pope but a story of five Filipino present-day heroes who will serve as inspiration to every Filipino who loves and adores the pontiff.

The question of “What if Pope Francis was Filipino?” will be answered by these characters: Joey Velasco, (the painter of the “Hapag ng Pag-asa”) Kristel Mae Padasas, (the Filipina volunteer of the Catholic Relief Services who died in Tacloban) Dr. Edgardo Gomez (National Scientist of the Philippines in 2014), Ronald Gadayan, (the NAIA janitor) and PO1 Mark Lory Clemencio of the Fallen 44 (Mamasapano incident).

Other cast members include Tañada as the Pope, respected Filipino actor-director Bernardo Bernardo, and hundreds of PSF scholars. Music was created by Pipo Cifra. “#Pope-pular” is also co-written by Rev. Fr. Gregorio Bañaga Jr., president of Adamson University, who said that  “education cannot be confined within the four walls of the classroom and that we can utilize theater arts as a medium for learning.”

Catch the musical today and tomorrow at the Cebu Coliseum.

For its Cebu run, SCI productions headed by Cebuano Robert Encila – who is also a professional stage director and actor in New York and Arizona –is producing the show.

Encila admitted that he does not personally know Tañada, but upon the prodding of a common friend, he went to watch “#Pope-pular” and was astounded by the “soul and heart” of the production that he told himself he will bring it to Cebu.

“Regardless of one’s religious affiliations – or lack thereof – the show is a must-see for its entertainment value, sheer spectacle, and theatrical ingenuity,” says Encila. “And it wouldn’t hurt to laugh and shed a tear or two.”

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