'I felt absolutely violated': Scarlett Johansson speaks about naked pics leaked online

CEBU, Philippines - Last year she fell foul of an ignorant hacker who broke into her personal email account and leaked nude pictures she’d taken of herself on the internet. And now Scarlett Johansson, 27, has spoken about the incident for the first time.

The actress says it left her feeling ‘violated’ and related it to the phone-hacking scandal that has rocked the British press over the past year.

Speaking to Stylist magazine, Scarlett said: ‘It was really terrible; I felt absolutely violated. I wasn’t really aware of how vulnerable all of us are, but I think everybody is just discovering that now, especially with the recent phone-hacking scandals.

“It isn’t just celebrities, it’s all kinds of people who are not asking for the spotlight. Being hacked made me feel more vulnerable than I ever had previously. I couldn’t figure it out. ‘For a while, I thought it must be someone that I knew who was posting these pictures of me and that was making me incredibly paranoid. I was looking around at all of my friends, who I have known for 20 years, wondering who the backstabber was. So to find out it wasn’t a friend who hacked in was a relief, oddly.”

Christopher Chaney, 35, of Jacksonville, Florida, was arrested and charged with hacking Scarlett’s account.

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