Sine totoo presents. "Nanay Na Si Nene"

How can you care for a baby, if you yourself are still a child?

Teen mothers in the Philippines have never been unusual. But if decades ago, most teenage mothers were 16 or 17 years old … they are now getting pregnant as early as 12 or 13.

This Saturday, Sine Totoo presents a documentary by GMA 7 senior reporter Sandra Aguinaldo that delved into the lives of very young mothers and mothers-to-be – “Nanay na si Nene.” 

At 13, Lealyn — not her real name — bears two very big responsibilities. Lealyn gave birth to twins! She and her 17-year-old partner search for ways everyday to buy milk for their daughters. But more often than not, their babies’ bottles are filled only with water and sugar.

Belinda is 14 years old and five months pregnant. At her age, the girl can barely grasp the responsibilities that come with having a child. She has not visited an OB-Gyne or received any pre-natal care during her pregnancy.

Critics blame the lack of available information about sex and reproductive health for these early pregnancies. In most classrooms, teachers only go as far as teaching students about the various parts of the anatomy, as well as menstruation, and circumcision. But sex itself is not discussed. 

Before this episode’s rerun, Sine Totoo host Howie Severino interviews Sandra Aguinaldo and director Abbie Lara – whose I-Witness team recently received the Best TV Documentary award from the PopDev Media Awards.

Meet these young moms and learn the difficulties they face having children at their age as Sine Totoo airs “Nanay Na Si Nene” this Saturday late night.

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